George Penswill

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George Tavius Penswill was born on October 17th, 1788, in Gaganolis, Telembria. He was born to two rich parents, Laura Penswill and Jameson Penswill. His father worked in banking, and his mother worked in fashion. Both his parents majorly funded the revolution, and when the Republic of Megatridimensional Order was founded, they both became prominent citizens in the new MTO society. As a result, so did young George. When The Territorial Assembly started to protest against the MTO, he was originally opposed to it. He started some of the first Anti-Quentinian Nationalist Associations, and openly opposed the Quentinian cause.

In 1815 the Penswill Home burned down, and George sought financial support from the MTO government. After all, he claimed, he was a huge financial supporter of the government. However, in 1816 the MTO government denied his claim, and he started secretly supporting the Territories financially.

George Penswill, around 1833


When the Quentinian Declaration of Independence was released in 1823, he openly declared his support for the cause, and though he did not fight, he financially supported the cause and helped raise troops with money. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and after the Quentinian War for Independence was over, he was part of the committee that designed the new governmental system for the country.

However, during the process he had numerous disagreements with other delegates, and in the end, when The Constitution of the United States of Quentin was finished, he was unhappy with the result. He then refused to ratify the document, meaning that it could not go forward and become law. Other delegates and numerous citizens tried to convince him to change his mind and allow the document to go forward, however he would not change his stance. Finally in 1834 the state government of Snowland removed him as a delegate and replaced him with George Bigafeet.

Constitution and Early USQ

After the Constitution was ratified, George Penswill retained a lot of hate from around the country. Nonetheless in 1836 he managed to be elected to The House of Bureaucrats from his home state, Snowland. During this time in the USQ, political parties were beginning to form, which had different opinions and thoughts about what was best for the country. These 3 parties are still around today, The Environmentalist Party, The Fundamentalist Party, and The Mild RePublican Party. George Penswill joined the Fundamentalists, which believed in, back then, a strong financial support for the country above anything else, the support for any war they thought was profitable, and the right for states to have more power and their own opinions, and, more importantly, the right to act on these decisions. That led him to being very vocal in the House, and advocating for many wars, saying that they would be very profitable. After years of being ignored in the House, finally in 1843 his term ended.

Founders Conflict

He then was fed up with the country, and he, along with George Firedawn and J.P. Marketington formed a revolt, and raised a small army. There are rumors and stories that the MTO was supportive of this revolt, but there is no evidence and the MTO has never claimed responsibility. Finally the Radfundies, as they are called, were ready to come out of the shadows. In 1845 they did, and started The Founders Conflict. After a mere 7 months they lost badly to The United States of Quentin Army, and George Penswill along with a dozen other co-conspirators were caught, and killed by means of The Bane Method on October 17th, 1845. He was 67 years old exactly. He never married and had no children.