JP Island

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J.P. Island
Flag of J.P. Island Coat of Arms of J.P. Island
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "As Long as a Man's Spirit is Richer than He is, He Shall Go Far."
Anthem: Liberty in the Noise
Location of J.P. Island
Area 19,821km2
Highest point Starch Hill
Longest river Blueberry Creek
Population 333,520
• Growth 0.4%/year
Median age 42.3 years
Demonym Brodginians
Before Federal Territory: Allian Colony
Confirmed as Federal Territory: January 1st, 1853
Capital Marketington
Official language Farmine, Allian
Type Quentinian Territory
Legislature Brodginian Territorial Assembly
Territorial Governor: Willie Germain
Delegate to the House of Representatives: Carmen Junie
Assembly Speaker: Ollovond Mileton
Resident Decider: Jaron Portorus
Territorial Towns Marketington
New Bourensfort
Currency DIG System (Ð) (DIG)
GDP Ð2.13 billion ($21.34 billion)
• Per capita Ð6,398 ($63,984)
• Growth 1.6%/year

35% Agriculture
18% Industry
57% Services

Unemployment 0.1%
Life expectancy 71.2 years
Clean water access 99%
Literacy 99%
Enrollment 72.6%
• Primary 92.3%
• Secondary 83.6%
• Tertiary 42.1%
Measures DuBuis System
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Left-Hand
Internet TLD .jp
Time Zones VST+3 (Asperian Gulf Standard Time)
VST+4 (Tennomore Standard Time)
Calling code +3*******

J.P. Island, also spelled JP Island and officially known as the United States of Quentin Federal Territory of J.P. Island, is an island located in the north Lankanata Ocean, also recognized as a federal territory of the United States of Quentin. The island, which was named after Quentinian founder J.P. Marketington, is near the Pearwish Islands as well as the Azurian Isles, and in the past J.P. Island has been the center of most Azurian-Quentinian relations, with the Azurians having their embassy in the capital city, Marketington.

J.P. Island was formerly a colony of the Protectorates of Allia, however in 1852 Allia negotiated the Brodgan Treaty with the USQ, which included the transfer of J.P. Island, along with military equipment, to the USQ in exchange for a reduction of trade tariffs. In 1853 it became a federal territory by the vote of Congress, recognized today as the oldest Quentinian territory that still exists today. Today J.P. Island is based on agriculture, and does large business with agricultural products. It also benefits from the fact that most drugs are legal there, as in all federal Quentinian territories, and operates as a middle-man between drug dealers and Docneighland, something that has caused issues recently. The territorial government there uses English and Farmine as its official languages, and the territory is run by the Brodginian Territorial Assembly, Brodginian referring to the native name of the islanders, Brodginians. JP Islanders are not considered citizens of the country, however under the 1940 Territorial Status Act, all citizens of JP Island are considered territorial citizens, giving them some rights of travel and trade, however not federal election or representation rights.