United States of Quentin Supreme Council

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United States of Quentin Supreme Council
Coat of Arms of United States of Quentin Supreme Council
Coat of Arms
Motto: "Keen, Decisive, Just"
Purpose: Highest Federal Court
United States of Quentin
Members 7 Deciders
Demonym Decider
Constitution Ratified: January 31st, 1834
First Court Approved: March 23rd, 1834
Meeting Place of the United States of Quentin Supreme Council
Location Mechanicsburg
Verrecchia Building
Type Federal Court
Supreme Decider Sue Jevic
Associate Deciders Kelsey Kinnings
Jordan Feliz
Leonard Bennett
Will Amokxian
Jenna Lautz
Sam Stephenson
Method Appointed by President, Approved by Congress
Term Life or Retirement
Qualifications 30 Years of Age
Lifelong USQ Citizen
Qualified in FELSOG
Website supremecouncil.nwd.gov[1]

The Supreme Council of the United States of Quentin is the highest federal court in the United States of Quentin. Established in 1834 with the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of Quentin in Article IV, the Council deals with criminal trials that are on the federal level, such as high crimes like treason, along with civil lawsuits brought by citizens or the government. Most cases heard by the Council are those appealed to its level, however the Council does have original jurisdiction in intergovernmental disputes and major federal crimes. It also plays an essential role in the legislative process, reviewing all federal legislation to ensure it does not violate the Constitution. Since Darnell v. Amia Woman and the 9th Amendment, the Council has also had authority to strike down executive orders which are unconstitutional. Finally, it has powers to approve foreign deals and treaties and decide upon the composition of the House of Bureaucrats.

The Council was established with the ratification of the Constitution, and President George Firedawn appointed all seven members of the first Council on March 1st, with approval and inauguration made official on March 23rd of 1834. Each justice on the Council has a lifetime tenure, or until the decider retires or is impeached. Whenever a vacancy occurs, the President must appoint a new decider, with the approval of the House of Bureaucrats. Each decider has a single vote when deciding upon verdicts, including the Supreme Decider who leads the Council in its deliberations and opinions. The Supreme Council meets in Mechanicsburg, GA, the nation's capital, at the Verrecchia Building, named for first Supreme Decider Sophie Verrecchia.



Appointment and Confirmation

Tenure and Requirements


Current Deciders

There are currently seven deciders on the Supreme Council, with no vacancies. This includes Supreme Decider Sue Jevic, along with six Associate Deciders. Among the current members of the Council, the longest serving is Kelsey Kinnings with a tenure of 25 years, 72 days, although Supreme Decider Sue Jevic is not far behind at 25 years, 15 days on the Council in total. The most recent Decider to join the Council is Sam Stephenson, whose tenure began on September 28th, 2018. Below are the current members of the Council.

Decider Name/Birth Appointed By Date Confirmed (Vote) Age Tenure Previous Position Replaced
Sue Jevic.jpg

Sue Jevic
January 19th, 1958
Baltimore, DA

David Wagner
(Associate Decider)
Kyle Lovestington
(Supreme Decider)

September 4th, 1995
October 6th, 2017


25 years

Justice on the
Federal Appeals Court of the Desert Area


Kelsey Kinnings.jpg

Kelsey Kinnings
July 8th, 1967
Bouclier, TA

David Wagner

July 9th, 1995


25 years

Justice on the
Federal Appeals Court of Tantallegara


Jordan Feliz.jpg

Jordan Feliz
May 2nd, 1971
Belljexk, CA

Blaze Peters

May 5th, 2001


19 years

Justice on the
Federal Appeals Court of the Chip Area


Leonard Bennett.png

Leonard Bennett
February 17th, 1966
West Snowy, SL

Veer Shah

October 4th, 2006


14 years

Justice on the
Second Federal Maxx District Court


Will Amokxian.jpg

Will Amokxian
June 12th, 1951
Dearnburg, DA

Kyle Lovestington

July 29th, 2011


9 years



Jenna Lautz.PNG

Jenna Lautz
April 19th, 1978
Ravendroit, MLS

Kyle Lovestington

November 30th, 2017


3 years

Chief Justice of the
Superior Court of the Desert Area


Sam Stephenson.jpeg

Sam Stephenson
January 18th, 1942
Kad'dgen, KI

Kyle Lovestington

September 28th, 2018


2 years

Chief Justice of the
Federal Appeals Court of the Kade Islands


Court Demographics and Ideologies

Retired Deciders

Seniority and Seating


Verrecchia Building

Legal Jurisdiction

Criminal Cases

Civil Cases


Federal Court Oversight and Case Selection


Decision and Opinions

Enforcement and Constraints on Rulings


Legal Constraints

Financial Independence

Landmark Decisions