Loyal Semi-Monarchy Alliance

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The Loyal Semi-Monarchy Alliance (SEM), formed as simply the Semi-Monarchy Alliance and today routinely referred to as the Loyal Semi-Alliance is a political party of the Iridium Coast. The country has a political system made up of numerous parties, and of the five main parties, the Loyal Semi-Alliance is the most authoritarian-leaning of the parties, believing in many things such as greater government control, stronger ties with foreign nations, a regulated economy, and the ability of the President to use some powers not listed in the country's 1995 Constitution. The party is today led by Michelle Tofaya, and of the five parties has the third-largest number in the National Congress, behind the Anti-Establishment Patriots and Their Great Frankness.

The party was formed as the Semi-Monarchy Alliance in 1824, expressing the party's belief that the country should have a powerful executive, similar to the monarch which had just been deposed. The party was founded by Iridite hero Emily Cartwright, who was the first Chancellor of the country and who played a large role in the Iridium Civil War overthrowing the monarchy. The party was extremely popular during the 1820's and 1830's, competing mainly with the Anti-Establishment Patriots, as Their Great Frankness was less popular at the time. In 1845, however the collapse of the party due to infighting and famine led to a two-year period of instability in the country called the 1845 Iridite Political Collapse. After the recovery of the government in 1847, the party changed its name to the Loyal Semi-Monarchy Alliance, expressing its duty to the people of the country and to whatever party was in charge, not just to ideals of monarchy. During the economic depression of the 1860's, the party changed its views to become more progressive, attempting to be an alternative to the conservative views of the Anti-Establishment Patriots and others, however this agenda did not catch on until the early 20th century. During this time the party had its greatest popularity ever, and established the framework for the country's 1920's industrial revolution. Demarcus Palpatine, the longest-serving and more controversial Chancellor was a Loyal Semi-Monarchist, and he laid the groundwork for the party's modern belief of a strong executive.

With the collapse of the Chancellorship in 1955, the party became focused more on success in the legislature than having a party member being elected President, and the party has only had two Presidents elected in its history. Today, the party believes in executive power, strong foreign ties, a regulated but not socialist economy, greater government control over rights and everyday laws, as well as greater military presence on the Nista border. The party leader is currently Michelle Tofaya, and currently its Senate Minority Leader is Burba Chazio, with its Karyune Minority Leader being Georgia Deirabu.