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{{Infobox Event3
|name=The Republic of Trigadia
|motto="Ver Rageds N Portunit" (Every Tragedy is an Opportunity)
|high_point=[[Mount Seuf]], 1.8 Miles
|long_river=[[The Dennis River]]
|population= 278.63 Million
|growth= 2.7
|median_age= 28.9
|demonym= Trigadian
|event1= Dissolution of the Trigadian Empire:
|event1_date= September, 1554
|event2= Trigadian Rebuild Agreement Ratified:
|event2_date= December 9th, 1632
|capital= [[
|official_language= [[Farmine]]
|type= [[Mild Republic]]
|legislature= [[The Ravensonian House of Representatives]] and [[The House of Democracy]]
|office1= President:
|official1= [[Khristopher Edweard]]
|office2= GTNEC:
|official2= [[Melanie Belga]]
|office3= Head Representative:
|official3= [[Stephanie Redannis]]
|office4= Supreme Decider:
|official4= [[Xavier Stevenson]]
|subdivision_name= States:
|subdivisions= [[The Twothas Area]], [[The O'Brien Area]], [[The Sonian Area]], and [[The Diamond Area]].
|currency= [[The DIG System]]
|currency_symbol= Ð
|currency_code= DIG
|GDP= Ð47.365 Billion ($473.657 Billion)
|per_capita_GDP= Ð4,876 ($48,764)
|GDP_growth= 3.9
|unemployment= 4.8
|life_expectancy= 80.9
|gross_enrollment= 85.86
|primary= 99.9
|secondary= 84.6
|tertiary= 73.1
|measures= [[DuBuis System]]
|traffic= Right-Hand
|iso_code= RAV
|TLD= .gor
|telephone= 22

Revision as of 20:23, 13 March 2019