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===The Matrish-Harver Expedition===
===The Matrish-Harver Expedition===
===The Foldsquire-Mix Expedition===
===The Foldsquire-Mix Expedition===
==The Foldsquire-Mix Expedition 1802==
==The Foldsquire-Mix Expedition 1803==

Revision as of 00:59, 16 September 2018

The Foldsquire-Mix Expedition was led by explorers Yennifer Foldsquire and Prater Mix with the primary goal of finding a pass through or around Satan's Spire. Begun in March of 1802 and ending in October 1803, the Expedition is credited with opening the untamed southern land to the people of the Republic of Megatridimensional Order.

Expedition Roots

The Goldrig Expedition

The Matrish-Harver Expedition

The Foldsquire-Mix Expedition

The Foldsquire-Mix Expedition 1802

The Foldsquire-Mix Expedition 1803