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The '''Congress of the United States of Quentin''' is the bicameral legislature of the [[Quentinian Federal Government|federal government]] of the [[United States of Quentin]], consisting of two houses, the upper house being the [[House of Bureaucrats]] and the lower house being the [[Quentinian House of Representatives|House of Representatives]]. The Congress meets at the [[Quentinian Capitol Building]] in [[Mechanicsburg]], [[Grassland Area|GA]], and the members of both houses are elected directly by the people of the nation.
#REDIRECT[[United States of Quentin Congress]]
== History ==
=== Naming Process ===
Congress was named Congress because of numerous quotes about the name's strength. Penswill said, "Congress reflects permanence and country. Other names like assembly reflect a temporary group, parliament reflects a name of high and mightiness, and legislature reflects a broad and annoyingly unspecific body." Bost-Jameson put the argument to rest when he said, "When we were subordinate, we were an assembly. We are our own nation now, our own people, a democracy. Congress reflects that."

Latest revision as of 15:37, 31 October 2020