Political Issues in the United States of Quentin

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Political Issues in the United States of Quentin are major national political issues in the United States of Quentin related to numerous different contemporary topics. They are the most discussed and debated issues in Quentinian politics today, and cover a wide range of topics, including healthcare, national security, composition of states, justice, law enforcement, and rights. The three main Quentinian political parties, the Mild RePublican Party, Fundamentalist Party, and Environmentalist Party, as well as the minor Freelance Party, hold many different stances on these issues, and the issues below are generally the highest priority in the nation today.




See also: Alcohol Clarification Acts, Alcohol Laws of the United States of Quentin



Legalization in Other States

Legality in Federal Territories



Legal Status

Legal Status of Tobacco and Drugs

Citizen Rights

LGBTQ Rights


Legal Status


Megaconn Regulations


Net Neutrality

Age Restrictions

Equal Gender Pay

Foreign Issues



Cooperation and Relations

Foreign Policy on the Zwakazi Continent


As the Nista Federation's rise as a world power has continued, foreign policy on the Zwakazi continent has shifted dramatically. Currently, debates over whether the territory could become a state, or whether the military could begin larger operations in the territory have been raised. The Berlinsavis Stabilization and Unification Bill in 2014 would have given billions of dollars in federal funding to the island, to develop its infrastructure, as well as set up numerous government operations there including those of the military. The bill did not pass, however continued attempts to develop the island for strategic purposes have continued. The current Mild RePublican Party stance is that of developing the infrastructure, not basing military there, and possibly accepting it as a state if it so wishes, and that military bases should not be increased in neighboring nations. The Fundamentalist Party believes funding should be reduced, as it believes existing infrastructure is already sufficient, however military should be based there, much as it is in the Kade Islands. The Environmentalist Party believes in higher spending on infrastructure, healthcare, and education, and believes military presence should not be increased, and military should be stationed more in Xevenia and the Iridium Coast.

Nista Federation

Trade tariffs have been a minor option in dealing with the rise of the Nista Federation as a world power, and the trade imbalance that currently exists. Other debated options include expanded military presence, and the increase in foreign investing in Xevenia, to compete with Nista.

Allies and Enemy Nations

All four major parties currently support increasing ties with Xevenia, the Iridium Coast, and New Sketherlands. The Fundamentalist, Environmentalist, and Freelance parties do not support increasing ties with the Zwakazi Alliance, while the Mild RePublican Party does. Parts of the Mild RePublican party and Fundamentalist party have supported past plans for military stationing in Carkhia, and public declarations against the Fourth Laborer Socialist Republic. Details about the so-called 2017 Quentinian Propaganda Coup arose in 2019, and are limited, however some parts of the Mild RePublican and Fundamentalist parties have expressed interest and support for the partially classified QUID plan.


National Security

Greater Association

Foreign Trade Groups

Northern Union Partnership

Southern Zwakazi Partnership

Gun Ownership

States and Territories

Addition of New States


Kade Islands

21st Amendment

Breakup of the Desert Area

Energy and the Environment

Climate Change

Energy Options


Presidential Electoral Committee

Death Penalty

24th Amendment

States Vote Option


Government Provided


Facility Support



Wealth Taxes

Public Service Taxes

Some Mild RePublicans say that healthcare taxes are just like taxes that would come with government-provided free healthcare.

Budget Balance

Strategic Defense Spending

Trade Imbalances


Numbers Accepted

Space Force