Kyle Lovestington

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Kyle Steven Lovestington was born in 1969 in Bakersfieldville, The Desert Area, to Laura Lovestington and Freddy Lovestington. His parents were moderately wealthy, and he grew up in a nice home on the outskirts of the city. As he grew up, he showed an increasing interest in debating, and politics. He went to college at Bakersfieldville University, and there he majored in Political Science. Coming out of college, he went into the business of being a lawyer after he moved to Fort McCarthy. In 1999, he got involved in politics once again, running for one of The Grassland Area's Bureaucrat of the USQ as part of The Mild RePublican Party. He won, and in 2002 he was sworn in. In The House of Bureaucrats he served for 1 term, being very active in debates in the House, and helped pass many Mild RePublican laws in a majority Mild RePublican government. In 2009, Veer Shah announced he would not run for reelection the following year. So, Lovestington ran for nomination, and received the Mild RePublican nomination. Known for his fiery speeches and his "not willing to back down" mentality, he ran on the slogan, "One Man, One Country, One Destiny." He barely beat competitors from all 3 parties, and on January 1st, 2010, he was sworn in as the President of the USQ. In the early part of his term, he had to deal with growing disputes over the Zwakazi continent and the Republic of Megatridimensional Order's territory there, but also saw significant economic growth, along with a small decline in unemployment. In 2013 he ran for reelection, and as a result of that economic growth, he won, and was sworn in on January 1st, 2014. In his second term, he had a relative peace, and continued to see steady economic growth. One problem of the second term was dealing with the terrorist group The Hei Hei Hatvists, or the HHH, and their attacks on the country. Although a number of people were killed in some of these attacks, he remained calm and retained a good public image, especially after preventing a number of attacks, and won reelection again in 2018. Today he is still President, and lives at 777 Cupboard Place with his wife, Alexis Lovestington, and their son, Steven Lovestington.

President Kyle Lovestington giving a speech