Mount Hatvi

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Mount Hatvi, also known on the Zwakazi continent as Mount Hatiinis, is the tallest mountain in The United Villages of Southia, located above sea level, and stands alone, as in not a part of a larger mountain range. The official height is recognized by the VU Geological Committee as having a height of 4.5 miles, or 7,242 meters. The mountain was first seen and recorded by an East Asperian, Harriet Yeddannixks, in 1263, although residents of the area knew about the mountain far before then. The mountain is also mentioned numerous times in the sacred book of Hatvism, the Kitabahid, when discussing sacred rituals and events that happened on the mountain important to the religion.

Mount Hatvi

The first expedition that succeeded to climb the entire mountain is disputed, with Hatvists and the government of the UVS saying that it was Hemrod Gaffanashani that first climbed the mountain with the help of The One (As described in the Kitabahid), however non-Hatvists, researchers, and other countries' governments look to the Javhari Expedition as the first successful trip up the mountain.

History and Past Expeditions

Scientists believe that the mountain began to form around 2.1 million years ago, because of shifting of Venturia's tectonic plates. The mountain then started to shift upwards, and grew to its current height 30,000 years after beginning to form. The formation of the mountain also lead to the expansion of The Yatadafaque River, which had had formed thousands of years prior, because of the mountain's location beside the river. Eventually the result of this location was the Souiver River Branch, branching off from the Yatadafaque.

The first human recognition of the mountain comes from the Kitabahid, the holy book of Hatvism, which mentioned the mountain with its writing in 612 B.C. The book also recognizes Hemrod Gaffanashani as the first to scale the mountain with the assistance of The One, however that claim is disputed by researchers and non-Hatvists today, who believe that the Javhari Expedition, created in 1623, were the first to completely scale the mountain.

Since that time, there have been numerous other expeditions to climb the mountain, some of which are listed below, along with information and any special achievements the expedition made:

The Poitrene Expedition, 1630: This group was made up of citizens from New Dawn, who scaled the mountain in the shortest time to date (A reported 13 hours, though historians have been skeptical). They received much more publicity and fame than the original expedition to conquer the mountain, so much so that from that time until the late 1800's the majority of the public believed the Poitrene expedition was the first to climb it, until newspapers publicized the real facts, uncovered by numerous historians and archaeologists.

The Gousthack Legion, 1843-1856: This group was a legion of The UVS Military, a few years after to forming of the country, that scaled the mountain numerous times for 13 years, to replace the Flag of New Dawn with the Flag of The United Villages of Southia, in a disagreement known as The Northern-Southian Territorial Dispute that eventually led to The First New Southian War. The legion was the first to plant a flag on the mountain, as well holding the record for numbers of times scaling the mountain, at 26.

The Hatvi Mountain Advertising Company, 2011-2013: This group was not a single expedition, however a group of expeditions funded by a company that was based in the UVS, and scaled the mountain 6 times to put up advertisement signs and post pictures of them on top of the mountain. The goal of this advertising campaign was to promote the terrorist group the Hei Hei Hatvists, and bring recruits in to the religion based terror group. The company was condemned by almost every nation, however the UVS did not condemn the company, or make any efforts to cease its operations. The advertisements were planted on top of the mountain, and during those three years, the number of attacks grew exponentially, along with the number of memberships.
HHH ads on the mountain

It is not clear whether this was a correlation or a causation, however the New Dawn government wasn't taking any chances, and in 2013 entered the country without permission, scaled the mountain, taking down the advertisements, as well as arresting numerous major founders and executives of the company. This caused a negative reaction from the UVS, which included putting large numbers of troops on the border (The New Dawn Border Confrontations of 2013), however backed off when numerous other nations sent reinforcements to New Dawn.

Spiritual and Religious Significance

Nature and Wildlife