Final Punctin Wars

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Final Punctin Wars
Flag of Final Punctin Wars [[image: {{{flag2}}}|x78px|Flag of Final Punctin Wars]]
Flag Flag
Nickname: "Cause of the Civil War," "Second Quentinian-Punctin War"
Location of Final Punctin Wars
Location Modern-Day Chip Area, Desert Area
Length September 1862-April 1863 (7 months)
Causes Territorial Disputes,
Countries Involved United States of Quentin vs.
Leaders and Commanders Quentinian Leaders: President Jonathan Redall and
General Marlon Kushowe

Punctin Leaders: Jekzonkst Hojkxsz Franzon and,
General Shumare Nallajokxe

Peace Negotiated Flakko
Fort Byinlarge Built: July 1st, 1862
War Declared: September 3rd, 1862
Treaty of Nine Signed: April 6th, 1863
Battle of Fayet: Penny, Early November
Battle of Brikx Cliff: Brikx, Early January
Battle of Mellio River: Mellio, Mid February
Battle of Von Ville: Von Ville, Late February
Casualties Quentinian Casualties: Nearly 1,800
Punctin Casualties: Over 3,400, 65,000 Prisoners