The DIG System

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The DIG System is a currency system used by numerous countries in Venturia. The currency was created and first used by the United States of Quentin, 3 years after the country declared independence from the Republic of Megatridimensional Order in 1834. The system incorporates 3 different coins, called the Dargent, the Imali, and the Geld. The coins are worth different amounts, with the Dargent being worth the most, valued at Ð1 ($10.00), then the Imali, valued at Ð0.10 ($1.00), and finally the Geld, valued at Ð0.05 ($0.50).

The DIG system is listed as the 3rd most valued currency in the world, behind only the Trio and the Cosavalor. Besides the USQ, 5 other countries officially use the DIG System, along with 10 others who use the DIG system as their secondary currency. The presence of the USQ as a world leader in the past few decades resulted in increased use of the DIG system, until the Megaconn was created, and became dominated by Megatridimensional currency, however still today the currency is one of the most used, especially in island nations and territories.

Some Imalis, which are the 2nd highest valued DIG coins


In 1834, The United States of Quentin had just fought and won Quentinian War for Independence against their former mother country, the Republic of Megatridimensional Order. After the war, the new country was created, as well as The Constitution of the United States of Quentin, and a wave of nationalism swept the country, which included a national anthem, flag, and mottoes, even a new language created, called Farmine. A new currency was also needed, as the nation decided to declare The Trio invalid in 1836. So, a committee called the Quentinian Economic Council convened in 1836, attempting to hash out economic problems the nation had, including banking, debt, as well as the creation of a new currency. The committee decided on a new currency, called the DIG System, as well as created and designed all three coins. After approval from the Congress of the USQ, the council started creating the coins in Minersville, The Grassland Area, in 1837.

Dargents, the highest valued currency in the DIG System

Nations That Use It

Besides the USQ, the DIG System is used by 5 other countries. These are Ravensonia, Carkhia, Xevenia, Docneighland, and The Iridium Coast. The structure for the currency is the same in all the countries except for Rapathion, where Imalis are not accepted, and Gelds are worth more.