United States of Quentin Navy

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United States of Quentin Navy
Flag of United States of Quentin Navy Coat of Arms of United States of Quentin Navy
Flag Coat of Arms
Founded: January 1st, 1822
Country: United States of Quentin
Type Navy
Mission Naval Warfare
Size 420,842 active personnel
98,000 reserve corps
195,000 civilian
467 ships
321 aircraft
Administration Department of Defense
(Bureau of the Navy)
Headquarters Holly Stevenson Naval Center
Mechanicsburg, GA
Motto Let the Colors Fly and the Cannons Roar
Anthem(s) Padstow's Farewell [1]
Colors Blue, White and Citron
Equipment Equipment of the United States of Quentin Navy
Conflicts See list
Website usqmilitary.gov.nwd/navy[2]
Founded January 1st, 1822
Officially Federalized and Organized January 1st, 1835
Department of Defense Created January 1st, 1859
President Kyle Lovestington
Secretary of Defense Allen Buckingshom
Commissioner of the Navy T.J. Ballynse
Supreme Commander Chloe Livingstone
Homeland Admiral Horatio Adamson
Foreign Admiral George Wallswill
United States of Quentin Flag.png
Jack of the Quentinian Navy.png
Quentinian Naval Pennant.png

The United States of Quentin Navy (USQN), frequently referred to as the Quentinian Navy, was established in 1822, and is one of the six service branches of the United States of Quentin Armed Forces. The Navy takes the responsibility of all sea warfare the United States of Quentin conducts, including in rivers and domestic waters, and operates numerous aircraft as well. It is the largest navy in the world by size, however is generally considered second in skill and strength to Docneighland. The Supreme Commander of the Quentinian Armed Forces, currently Chloe Livingstone, leads the navy in its operations, although she is subordinate to and takes orders from President Kyle Lovestington, Secretary of Defense Allen Buckingshom, and Commissioner of the Quentinian Naval Bureau T.J. Ballynse. The orders of these top civilian executives and the Supreme Commander are carried out and communicated to commodores and captains by the two Admirals of the navy, Homeland Admiral Horatio Adamson and Foreign Admiral George Wallswill.

The Quentinian Navy is the oldest of the six service branches of the armed forces, and was founded on January 1st, 1822 in the Territories of Quentin as the Territorial Commerce Protection Organization. The group was formed by members of the Territorial Assembly, as well as numerous merchants from the nation's main seaports of Baltimore, Matthiasport, and eventually Port Clinton, to protect Territorial shipping and escort traders illegally dealing with the Protectorates of Allia and other nations. During the Quentinian War for Independence, the navy was especially important in raiding the coastal cities of the Megatridimensional Order and attacking shipping, and after the ratification of the new Constitution, the Navy was officially created by the Naval Executive Order issued by President George Firedawn in 1834. During the Rapathic Transoceanic War in the 1850's, the Navy played its most crucial role yet, and it was this war that caused the nation's government to see the need for a Department of Defense, created in 1859. The Navy still operates under the Department today, officially as the Bureau of the Navy.

The Quentinian Navy is the third-largest service branch in the country in terms of personnel, and the service's budget is the second-largest among the branches.


Its motto is "Let the Colors Fly and the Cannons Roar," a reference to the words of Commodore John Stevenson when faced with large numbers of enemy forces during the First Crappaolos War.