FMDF Chain of Command

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The Fort McCarthy Defense Force Chain of Command refers to the command structure and rank of different positions in the Fort McCarthy Defense Force, the smallest and most defense-oriented military services of the United States of Quentin. The FMDF has the least unique positions as well, with the majority of its members being called Lieutenants. They are commanded by the Supreme Commander of the Quentinian Military, but only in times of "civil strife, war, or executive consent."*1 The day-to-day operations are taken care of by the Director of Defense Force Operations, currently Cyrus Billings. Below the Director, there are 4 officer positions, 3 deputy positions, and 1 enlisted rank.


Chain of Command

Rank Held By Pay Grade
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander Chloe Livingstone S4
Director of Defense Force Operations Cyrus Billings S3
Commissioned Officers
Colonel Multiple S2
Major Sergeant Multiple S2
Lieutenant Colonel Multiple S2
Gunnery Captain Multiple S2
Deputy Officers
Deputy Colonel Multiple S2B
Deputy Major Sergeant Multiple S2B
Deputy Captain Multiple S2B
Enlisted Servicemen
Lieutenant Multiple S1