United States of Quentin Foreign Relations

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Foreign Relations of the United States of Quentin are bilateral and multilateral relations between the United States of Quentin and other foreign organizations and nations. These nations include all members of the Venturian Union besides the United Villages of Southia. Additionally, the USQ has relations with many organizations, including the ATADO and GECO.


Modern-Day Relations


The USQ has less developed and historical relations with nations on the Zwakazi continent due to their separation. However, the USQ has many allies on the continent, including Xevenia and the Iridium Coast, both ATADO members, and New Sketherlands, with which the USQ is negotiating an alliance with and a nation which is an ATADO observer nation. The USQ also has cordial relations with some on the continent, and increasingly hostile relations with others.

Nation Relations Began? Relations Notes
Iridium Coast 1838 Yes Close ally of the USQ, participating in ATADO and strategic partner against the Republic of Megatridimensional Order. Economic ties are also relatively close, however neither is the other's largest partner.
Nista Federation of States 1879 Yes Relations are cordial between the two, however the tense relations between the Iridium Coast, a Quentinian ally, and the Nista Federation make the relationship tense at times. The two are large economic partners, but do not share many political ties. Seen increasingly as a threat to security by Quentinian government.
Rapathion 1855 Yes Relations between Rapathion and the USQ are among the most historic in the world, as a result of tension and even war between the two during the beginning years of the USQ. Piracy was a main issue between the two, with Rapathic pirates preying on Quentinian commerce for decades. As the 20th century began, piracy increased, however David Wagner in 1976 was able to negotiate a series of deals protecting Quentinian economic interests. These deals remain to this day, and relations are cordial, although tense.
Xevenia 1937 Yes Relations with Xevenia are close, with the two being major allies as a part of ATADO. Recently relations have been less close than in the past, partially because of the increase in economic prosperity on Xevenia's part has led to increased economic competitiveness, and because of political tensions, with Xevenia repeatedly expressing dismay with the membership of the Iridium Coast to ATADO.
Fyñe 1887 Yes Relations with Fyñe are cordial, however economic competition between the two remains a sore point. Fyñe has had increasingly close relations with the Nista Federation, and the USQ has recently seen these relations as a threat to their interests on the continent. The government style of Fyñe also is a sore point between the two nations, with the Quentinian government regarding Fyñe as a undemocratic, over-complex bureaucracy.
Sacred Watch 1852 Yes Relations between the Sacred Watch and USQ are cordial. The Sacred Watch does not tend to ally itself with many nations, and so relations are also quite distant, although many Quentinian citizens live and work in the Sacred Watch.
Fourth Laborer Socialist Republic 1873 Yes Relations with the Fourth Laborer are hostile, mainly for the Fourth Laborer's political policies, with an undemocratic form of government compared to the Quentinian government, and its aggression and hostility towards Carkhia both in territorial and political aggressiveness. The Fourth Laborer's relationship with Bymaria is also a sore point, and its policies towards the Sacred Watch and territorial claims in that area are internationally disputed.
Zwakazi Alliance 1859 Yes Relations with the Zwakazi Alliance are relatively cordial, and economic ties between the two are nonexistent as far as trade goes. The Quentinian federal government currently gives $20 million annually to the Zwakazi government for infrastructural and border development, and the two are close in attempts to stymie both Nistan and Fyñerian advances in the region.
Gallanathia 1832 Yes Relations with Gallanathia are among the oldest of the Quentinian relations, as the Gallanathian government played a large role in supporting the Quentinian independence movement, hoping to gain economic spheres of influence in the region. Relations rapidly declined after that, and the two had hostile relations throughout both Venturian Wars. Today relations are hostile because of Gallanathia's strict alliance with the Megatridimensional Order, its hostility towards ally Xevenia, and its economic policies which are deemed aggressive by the Quentinian government.
New Sketherlands 1844 Yes Relations with New Sketherlands are extremely close, as the two have had shared interests on the continent and still do today. These include attempting to stymie Nistan and Gallanathian interests, and expanding economic ties on the continent. The two have close cultural and philosophical ties, and the two nations have much shared culture. The nation is an observer nation in ATADO, and the two have made numerous defense, economic, and intelligence agreements.

West Asper

Nation Relations Began? Relations Notes
Isle of Southia 1969 Yes The USQ has close and cordial relations with the Isle of Southia, and was a part of forming the new country and helping to win its independence from the United Villages of Southia, along with other nations like Allia. The Isle of Southia has made many defense treaties with the USQ, and although the two are not close economically, they share the same political interests on the continent.
Northern Patrons of Ice 1847 Yes Relations are extremely hostile between the two nations, and the hostility goes back to the Great Venturian Wars, where the NPI was an ally of the MTO. Currently, the relations between the NPI and MTO have become more distant, however new tensions over rights in the Lankanata Ocean and especially disputes over Ravensonia have increasingly worsened relations.
Ravensonia 1945 Yes Relations with Ravensonia are among the closest between any two nations on the planet, and extend back to the origins of the nation itself, with the USQ playing an important role in winning the independence of Ravensonia from the NPI. Since then, the two have shared important and extremely close defense and political ties, with Ravensonia adopting the USQ's government structure, and joining ATADO. The two have numerous treaties on mutual defense and share numerous military assets, and the intelligence agencies of the two countries are essentially one with the Braintree Agreement. Economic ties are less close, but still very cooperative.
New Dawn