The Maxx Area

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Maxx Area
Flag of Maxx Area Coat of Arms of Maxx Area
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "All Freedom, to All, for All Time"
Anthem: Going Through a Daily Grind
Location of Maxx Area
Area 461,324km2
Highest point Maximum Shore's Altitude, 0.1 Miles
Longest river The Cwilkins River
Population 79 Million
• Growth 1.2%/year
Median age 40.2 years
Demonym Maxxians
Before Statehood: Maxx Territory
Confirmed as 4th Quentinian State: January 7th, 1834
Capital Boston
Official language Farmine
Type Mild Republican State
Legislature Upper: Representative Senate
Lower: Commonwealth House
Governor: Dave Falopse
Head Representative: Molly Betterajakx
Director of Legislation: Tiberius Adamanlak
Supreme Court Chief Justice: Shaventil Bushrani
Districts: Maxx Area State Districts (16)
Currency DIG System (Ð) (DIG)
GDP Ð64.59 Billion ($645.92 Billion)
• Per capita Ð5,674 ($56,740)
• Growth 4.5%/year

8% Agriculture
38% Industry
54% Services

Unemployment 2.0%
Life expectancy 70.4 years
Clean water access 99%
Literacy 99%
Enrollment 91.76%
• Primary 99.9%
• Secondary 86.3%
• Tertiary 89.1%
Measures DuBuis System
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Right-Hand
Internet TLD .nwd
Time Zones VST+3 (Asperian Gulf Standard Time)
Calling code +7

The Maxx Area, officially the Commonwealth of the Maxx Area and abbreviated MA, is a state in the United States of Quentin, located in the eastern-central region of the nation. The state is bordered by the Desert Area to the southwest, Snowland to the east, the Gulf of Creed to the south, and the Lankanata Ocean to the north. The Maxx Area is home to many large cities, and has one of the highest population densities in that region of the nation. It is also home to the Bost River and Cwilkins River, along with many smaller ones, and its capital city of Boston sits on the coast of the Gulf of Creed. The state is one of the least mountainous in the country, with many rivers and streams.

The state's current population is 79 million, making it the fifth-most populated state in the country. It is one of the smaller states in the nation, with an area of 461,324 square kilometers making it