United States of Quentin Department of Education

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United States of Quentin Department of Defense
Flag of United States of Quentin Department of Defense Coat of Arms of United States of Quentin Department of Defense
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Cognitio Aperiatur" (Knowledge Accessible)
Type: United States of Quentin Executive Department
Location of United States of Quentin Department of Defense
Headquarters Bill Bricker Education Center
Mechanicsburg, GA
Employees 51,230
Budget Ð6.7 billion ($67 billion)
Executives Secretary of Education
Website cupboard.gov.nwd/doe[1]
Founded March 18th, 1934
Current Powers Established January 1st, 1993

The United States of Quentin Department of Education (QUEDOE, pronounced QUEDOEE), commonly referred to as simply the Department of Education in the United States of Quentin, is a federal executive department within the Quentinian federal government tasked with the establishment and maintenance of federal universities and schools, the assistance of public school systems around the country, the establishment of national institutes of learning, and the protection of intellectual property under federal law. The QUEDOE, which was established in 1934 under President Adithan Kumar.

The Department of Education is headed by the Secretary of Education, who is appointed by the President and serves on his advisory board, the Cupboard. The Secretary of Education, currently Cara Uhrich, heads up the department and directs all operations, though there are lower levels of officials who command at lower and more specific levels. Secretary Uhrich was appointed in January of 2022 by President Toll, and needed approval by the House of Bureaucrats under federal law.

The Department of Education has been headquartered at the Bill Bricker Education Center since 2012, which is located in Mechanicsburg, GA, near 777 Cupboard Place and other executive buildings. The Department of Education has been criticized in the past for not functioning enough, as the Environmentalist Party has moved in recent years to completely overturn the QUEDOE, including having federal learning standards and federally funded schools, though the Mild RePublican Party and Fundamentalist Party disagrees with these ideas.


Powers and Responsibilities



National Institute of Public Academics

National Administration of Libraries

Federal Library and University Office

Federal Administration of Military Academies

Office for the Creation and Administration of Federal Universities

Office of the National Archives

Public Library Assistance Analysis

Public Library Assistance Committee

Bureau of Federal Learning Standards

Office of Examinations

Administration of Public Education Analysis

Copyright and Patent Establishment Bureau

Office of Copyright Analysis

Office of Copyright Protection

Office of Patent Analysis

Office of Patent Protection

Public School Assistance Bureau

Office of Education Analysis

Office of Education Assistance