Trogen Motion Picture Studios

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Trogen Motion Picture Studios is a division of the Trogen Media Corporation, an international media company. Trogen Motion Picture Studios is a large division of the company that focuses on making movies. The studio is the largest in terms of number of employees, but second in income behind Adlive Motion Pictures. The company has produced a large amount of successful and popular movies over the years, including The M.O.D.S. Movie Franchise, George E. Firedawn, 1979, The Stevens Series (Movie), and Caliber, among others.

Based in BizTown, The Multi-Logan State, in The United States of Quentin, the division was created in 1968, after the sudden increase in demand for movies, in a time known as The United States of Quentin Age of Culture. The company's first success was George E. Firedawn, 1979, which today ranks at #3 on the all time Quentinian movies in terms of box office. The first President was Riley Devenns, and the current President of the division is Lauren Venture.