Flag of Xevenia

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The official governmental flag of Xevenia is a rectangular flag with three stripes in the background, two large ones that are blue and brown, representing ocean and forests, and a small white one in the middle that represents peace. There are also three stars on the flag, two black ones in the top corners of the flag, and one large black and white one in the center, with an eye in the center, representing the watchfulness of the Xevenia for danger and opportunity. The flag is flown above all government buildings, and is seen at international events where Xevenia is present, although many locals and military regiments choose to use the People's Flag of Xevenia along side or in place of the official one.

The flag was originally created in 1941, and came into official government use with the signing of The Constitution of Xevenia in 1942. The flag was designed by a group called the Xevenian Nationalistic Design Committee, and has been in use ever since. Recently, however, there has been talk of changing the official flag to the aforementioned People's Flag of Xevenia, which was in use from 1923 until the new flag's designation in 1942. The main arguments of proponents are that the old flag better represents the country, and the culture, and that the new one is too reflective of a globalist world view. The debate and details of the argument can be found on the page Xevenian Flag Dispute.