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Farmine is a spoken as well as written language that has the 4th largest number of speakers in Venturia today. Founded by Quentinian linguist and famed writer Penny Walursafet, the language developed slowly and increased in use in The United States of Quentin over the decades, and was spread around the world by the USQ's growing influence in world affairs.

Today the language is spoken officially in Ravensonia, the USQ, and Xevenia, and as well as being the second most used language on The Megaconn it is used unofficially in numerous other countries. It is the only language in the world that is recognized clearly as sprouting from English, and while the language still bears some resemblance to English, it has become its own language in the past centuries,



Farmine's roots appeared in the 17th century, in the country of Telembria on the Asper continent. There, the language of English was the established and official language of the country, and nearly everyone born in the country spoke it. There was a group of linguists and language perfectionists in the city of Rathaleo, however, that wished to change the language, to make it flow better and make it more organized. This group began drawing up the first semblances of Farmine.