Quentinian Federal Prisons

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Quentinian Federal Prisons are prisons and reformative institutions in The United States of Quentin that hold criminals either accused or found guilty of federal crimes, as defined in The Constitution of the United States of Quentin. Run by the Quentinian Bureau of Federal Law Enforcement, there are nearly 15 of these prisons, with an additional 5 military run prisons that are included on this list. The full list is below, along with their location and date opened.

List of Prisons

-Butterfield Federal Prison, Galvysville 1852

-Chapital Area Federal Prison I, Rodriguezville 1890

-Chapital Area Federal Prison II, Poleton 1894

-Chapital Area Federal Prison III, Rodriguezville 1912

-Fort McCarthy Federal Prison Complex, Fort McCarthy 1844

-Founders Federal Prison, Jameisville 1909

-Gousche Trime Federal Prison, Kumar City 1918

-Kindikil Federal Area Prison Complex, Kindikil 1995

-Lindin Federal and Military Prison Complex, Lindin 1837 (Military)

-Loganscoast Federal Prison, Magneton 1888

-Lower Rodriguez Federal Prison, Port Jaron 1880

-Mid-Peninsula Federal Prison, Belljexk 1863

A map of all mainland prisons

-Multi-Logan Strait Military Complex, Caraukorum 1923 (Military)

-Overilde Baltimore Federal Prison, Baltimore 1901

-Quentinian Federal Prison 7, Greenscoast 1938

-Quoaria Foreign Penitentiary, Boulghashunta 1980 (Military)

-Ram-Saket Federal and Military Prison Complex, Fort McCarthy 1878 (Military)

-Reconnaissance Hill Federal Prison, Dearnburg 1937

-Soutogiver Federal Prison, Port Clinton 1868

-Steven A. Jabiil Diplomatic Penitentiary, Stevensburg 1997 (Military)