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cNOTE: Xevenia was being colonized by the USQ in the period between the Great and Greater Venturian Wars. That's why the state is Old Quentin, anyhow, the locals did not like it, even though they weren't one united, sovereign country. So, Peter whatshisname in the infobox got an army to attack the Quentinians, and while he had the support of the locals, many local tribal chiefs didn't like him, and were using him as a figurehead. The attack was mostly failed, because the USQ government received a distress message and sent reinforcements. While at a standstill in military conflict, main tribal chiefs of the regions came secretly to the Quentinians in Jeffersontown and tried to negotiate, to get the Quentinians to leave. (NOTE: The Quentinians were not established very well, and only had a few hundred citizens in the two towns, each, Jeffersontown and Long Beach.) The chiefs agreed to a deal, (Name in infobox) that had the Quentinians abandon the nation, as long as the Quentinians could remain in a financial, economic, trading sense, that the Xevenians on the southern coast wouldn't join Rapathion in raiding trading ships, (Although that had died down significantly from the 19th century) and that Peter Whatshisname, the dictator, would be deposed and removed from power. (The Xevenians did this, and took it to the extreme by killing him, which the Quentinians didn't ask for) The agreement was protested by the citizens, but they didn't do anything about it, and in fact some helped kill the dictator. The terms were a bit unfair, in favor of the USQ, probably because the Xevenians saw and Quentinians enforced with facts the power of the USQ army, which was by then a major world power, compared to the village armies of Peter, which while they weren't exactly fighting with spears, were not well trained and the equipment outdated.