Cupboard of George Firedawn

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The Cupboard of George Firedawn was the official executive advisory and enforcement panel of President of the United States of Quentin George Firedawn. The Cupboard was made up of three executive secretaries and the GTNEC. The members were Max Wagner as GTNEC, Felicity Jones as Secretary of State, Jefferson Diversiton as Secretary of Foreign Affairs and David Ellison as Secretary of Professions and Labor.

The Cupboard of George Firedawn was the first ever to be assembled, with the ratification of the Constitution coming just one year prior to the formation of the Cupboard. The document authorized the creation of the advisory panel, with officials appointed by the President, which he did in 1835, but only after the House of Bureaucrats created the first three executive departments, with the Constitution being unspecific on the matter of addition of departments. Firedawn served two terms as President, and had the same four officials for both terms, something done only twice in history for multi-term Presidents, the other being Olivia Ehresman.

Cupboard (First and Second Terms)

Position Name Tenure Date Inaugurated Political Party
GTNEC Max Wagner 1834-1842 May 1st, 1834 Mild RePublican Party
Secretary of Foreign Affairs Jefferson Diversiton 1834-1842 May 1st, 1835 Independent
Secretary of State Felicity Jones 1834-1842 August 1st, 1835 Fundamentalist Party
Secretary of Professions and Labor David Ellison 1834-1842 May 1st, 1835 Mild RePublican Party