Kade Islands

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Kade Islands
Flag of Kade Islands Coat of Arms of Kade Islands
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Don't $%#& With Us."
Anthem: Liberty in the Noise
Location of Kade Islands
Area 53,278km2
Highest point Mount Calais, 2.1 miles
Longest river Nalafanas Creek
Population 3.24 million
• Growth 0.1%/year
Median age 47.2 years
Demonym Kad'dgens
Before Federal Territory: Kad'dgen Nation
Confirmed as Federal Territory: January 1st, 1941
Capital Kad'dgen
Official language Farmine, Kad'dgen
Type Quentinian Territory
Legislature Kad'dgen Territorial Assembly
Territorial Governor: Justin Kade
Delegate to the House of Representatives: Samantha Cirrincione
Assembly Speaker: Ryland Walkmansdaughter
Resident Decider: Christina Lee
Territorial Towns Kad'dgen,
Fort National,
New Mechanicsburg,
Currency The DIG System (Ð) (DIG)
GDP Ð2.189 billion ($21.89 billion)
• Per capita Ð7,522 ($75,220)
• Growth 5.3%/year

13% Agriculture
53% Industry
34% Services

Unemployment 1.4%
Life expectancy 86.8 years
Clean water access 99.9%
Literacy 99.9%
Enrollment 82.6%
• Primary 99.9%
• Secondary 88.2%
• Tertiary 59.7%
Measures DuBuis System
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Right-Hand
Internet TLD .nwd
Time Zones VST+4 (Tennomore Standard Time)
Calling code +1*******

The Kade Islands, lesser known as the Kad'dgen Islands, and officially known as the United States of Quentin Federal Territory of the Kade Islands is a federal territory of the United States of Quentin, located in the eastern portion of the Lankanata Ocean, close to the coasts of Kalsomonia, the Republic of Megatridimensional Order, and the USQ. Kade Island has one territorial town for each of its six islands, including Kad'dgen, Fort National, New Mechanicsburg, Aditistown, Screwemto, and Lannasfeik.

The Kade Islands are the most populous of all USQ territories, with around 3.24 million people, and have the second-largest economy for a federal Quentinian territory. The Kade Islands were originally an island nation called the Kad'dgen Nation, and in the 1930's were at war with Docneighland as a part of the Docneighland Lankanata Wars. In 1939 Docneighland was close to victory after the end of the Greater Venturian War, and late in 1939 the Kad'dgen government requested to be annexed by the USQ. They agreed, and the Kade Islands territory was created in 1941. Today the Kade Islands are generally known for their numerous Quentinian military bases, with numerous nuclear weapons known to be housed there, as well as over 20 naval bases, mainly because of the close vicinity of the islands to the MTO and other nations.