Commissioned Officers (USQ)

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A commissioned officer is the second-highest tier of officials in the United States of Quentin Armed Forces, below that of commanding officer and above that of Deputy Officers, and are charged with carrying out the bulk of everyday command and instruction. Commissioned officers are included in all of the six armed service branches of the United States of Quentin's military, but in the Starkkae Corps of the armed forces, the tier of officers is the highest possible tier in the service, excepting the position of Supreme Commander. Commissioned officers are paid at either a S2 or S1 level, and the title of commissioned officer comes with certification badges in most services, except that of the Fort McCarthy Defense Force



Insignia and Special Designations

The insignia of an Army commissioned officer varies by rank, however all but the last two ranks of the commissioned officer's tier, Captain and Chief Sergeant, include two stars on their insignia to signify their superior tier level. All commissioned officers also receive the Mannsfield Command Badge, named after Quentinian War for Independence general Gerald Mannsfield. Like most service badges, this badge is pinned to the formal jacket of an officer, and even if promoted still wears the badge.


Insignia and Special Designations

In the Navy, rank is also shown primarily through stars, though also through the shape of the badge, with commanding officers' insignia being curved at the bottom. For commissioned officers, these stars vary, as the rank of Fleet Captain and Quartermaster each has three stars, while most others include only two stars. The bottom two commissioned officers, Deck Chief and Ensign, however, include only one star each on their insignia. The Navy also has rank strips on the tops of their insignia, which are more structured, with all commissioned officers having two rank strips.

Commissioned officers in the Navy receive rank hats for dress and service uniforms, along with a change in color of dress uniforms from white to blue. Commissioned officers also receive the Martha Stevenson Badge of Command, and keep the badge for the entirety of their career, unless stripped of it.

Air Force

Insignia and Special Designations

The Air Force does not place as much importance on stars when it comes to insignia referring to rank, and stars and rank stripes are less standardized. On some commissioned officers' insignia, such as the ranks of Major and Lieutenant Roger-Roger include three rank strips and two stars. The rank of Roger-Roger includes three rank strips and three stars, while the rank of Colonel includes three rank strips, two stars, and a logo in the center including wings and an additional star. Finally, the ranks of Gunnery Major and Lieutenant Colonel have three stars and two rank strips.

In the Air Force, when promoted to the tier of a commissioned officer, a serviceman receives the Rogers' Wings Badge, as well as a distinct gold circle badge. Officers keep both even if promoted.

Starkkae Corps

Absence of Commanding Officer Tier

Insignia and Special Designations

Since the Starkkae Corps lacks a command tier, and is instead commanded by the Supreme Commander, the commissioned officer tier of the corps contains the most rank positions in the corps, though there are less commissioned officers in each rank than any other tier. The top two ranks of the officer's tier in the corps, Phaste Commander and Storm Regent, include three stars each, while all other ranks besides Ensign and Gunnery Major, which have one star insignia each, include two stars. The Ellison Staff Command Badge is awarded to each commissioned officer upon promotion to the tier, which officers keep even if promoted. Another distinction is the ability for commissioned officers to elect not to wear a hat or head covering.

Space Force

Insignia and Special Designations

The Space Force is the youngest of the six service branches, and thus their use of stars and other insignia for commissioned officers varies. The ranks of Lieutenant General and Secretary Basher each have four stars, while others have three, two, or in the case of a Commander, a commanding star to go alongside their other stars. The unifying feature, however, are the rank strips, with each commissioned officer but the ranks of Commander and Lieutenant Colonel including three rank strips. Once one becomes a commissioned officer, they receive the United States of Quentin Orbital Command Badge.

Fort McCarthy Defense Force

Insignia and Special Designations

The Fort McCarthy Defense Force, with only four commissioned officer ranks, has a much more consistent pattern of rank strips, with all commissioned officers including three rank strips on their insignia, however stars vary. Each commissioned officer receives the Higher Rank Badge.