The Quentinian Justification Argument

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The Quentinian Justification Argument, called at the time of its release in 1808 the Statehood Argument, was a publication in the Territorial Gazette written by Knile Hufflepuff. The publication argued to readers, mainly the Republic of Megatridimensional Order the idea of The Territories of Quentin becoming a state in the MTO.

Arguments of the Quentinian Justification Publication

The Argument was made up of four main points. They all were based around the opinion that the Territories should be a state in the MTO. The MTO government at the time had been refusing all of the Territory's requests, because they had, in the MTO government's opinion, violated The Cessation of Hostilities. Knile's four main points arguing why this was untrue and statehood should still be an option for the Territories were these:

-The original Quentinians, The Quentinian Party, were unaware of the restrictions of the government to go north, and it was actually the MTO and Telembrian government's fault for not being clearer, more organized, and having the borders of the Telembrian Wildlands enforced and guarded. He proved these points by citing both his parents' accounts, who had been part of the Quentinian Party, of the journey and the lack of clarity, and also many other people from around the country, mostly anonymous.

-The Territories brought in a lot of money per year. Their economy was one of the best in the area, and many people were wealthy there. Knile pointed out the fact that it would be mutually beneficial for the Territories to become a state because of the large amount of money the Territories would bring in to the MTO.

-The MTO should have nothing to fear when it came to Telembria. The MTO were already becoming a very good military, and had the resources to defend themselves and protect the Territories if Telembria was mad about the Territories becoming a state and declared war. Knile also pointed out that the MTO had defeated The King's Army just a couple decades ago as a large mob of mostly badly armed peasants. So, he reasoned, it would be easy to defeat Telembria now that they had a much better equipped and organized army.

-Finally Knile tried to appeal to the humanity of the MTO government. He pointed out the bad enforcement of laws in the Territories, and the disorganization of the country. There were still populated parts of the Territories that were unorganized, and there criminals lived, waiting to rob and kill. He stated that if the Territories were granted statehood, they could request the aid of the Order Guard to help save the innocent, dying people and bring order to the land.

Effect of the Argument

The Argument had a great effect on the Territories. Since the Argument was published in the Gazette, the Territories' largest newspaper, it was seen by thousands, and persuaded them a lot as well. They began to see how unreasonable the MTO was being, not granting them statehood, and this realization would eventually lead the Territories to take action, and come to the conclusion that it could not be tolerated any more. It did not have any effect, it seemed, at all on the MTO government however, and only led them to believe more that the Territories were getting out of line, and they needed to do something about it.