Olivia Ehresman

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Olivia Drew Ehresman was a Quentinian cattle owner, the first Governor of the KA, and 5th President of the USQ for 2 terms, from 1870-1878. Born in Port Clinton, the Grassland Area, The United States of Quentin in 1831, she inherited a large cattle farm from her grandfather and revolutionary Harry Lee, located in Fort McCarthy. After managing the farm well, buying 5 others before selling them all for a hefty profit, she got into politics around 1855, running and winning the position of Mayor of Fort McCarthy. After serving two 4 year terms, she ran for governor of The Kahoot Area, as a part of The Environmentalist Party.

As the first governor of the KA, she expanded the city, gaining a permit for international trade from the federal government, as well as cleaning water sources and personally funding libraries to increase knowledge in the city. When her term ended in 1870, she was lobbied by the Environmentalist Party to run for President. Despite entering late into the election, she won by a large margin, becoming the 5th President. In her first term she expanded international trade, as well as established numerous health and public service reforms, such as city hospitals, police and fire forces. One other large event was when Olivia, along with Congress, declared the remaining parts of Punctinaturalland to be a part of the USQ. In 1871 she and Quentinian Secretary of State Chip Rodriguez issued the State Readjustment Bill, reorganizing the states and their areas.

After being elected for a second term in 1874, she expanded on the public education system as well, helping influence the Supreme Council Case Mild RePublican Bureaucrats vs. The Desert Area to allow The Desert Area to create state schools and a university. She also had to deal with the Southern Logan Territory seceding from the rest of the country, however was inactive and unresponsive, drawing criticism from nearly everyone outside her party, which believed in non-action on secession.

After failing to be reelected for a third time, mostly because of this incident, she moved back to a small farm in Fort McCarthy and began to run it again. In 1881, she was appointed Head Quentinian Diplomat to the Northern Patrons of Ice, however retired after 2 years. After moving back to Fort McCarthy, she died there in 1886.