Cupboard of Franklin Moise

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The Cupboard of Franklin Moise was the official executive advisory and enforcement panel of the third President of the United States of Quentin, Franklin Moise. President Moise served just one term, and all 7 members of his Cupboard remained the same throughout this term. His GTNEC was Max Wagner.

The Cupboard and its functions are laid out by the Constitution of the United States of Quentin, in Article III, Section IV, and gives the President power to appoint all Cupboard members. The Supreme Council case Logan v. Bureaucrats established the power of the President to also create new executive secretary positions, and President Moise did just that in 1859, adding the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Technology to his Cupboard. Although the ruling in Ravenclaw v. Redall had not yet taken place, President Moise voluntarily submitted all his Cupboard appointments to the House of Bureaucrats for confirmation.


Position Name Tenure Date Inaugurated Political Party
GTNEC Max Wagner 1858-1862 January 1st, 1858 Mild RePublican Party
Secretary of Foreign Affairs Jefferson Diversiton 1858-1862 May 1st, 1858 Mild RePublican Party
Secretary of State Chip Rodriguez 1858-1862 May 1st, 1858 Mild RePublican Party
Secretary of Infrastructure Cecil Pants III 1858-1862 May 1st, 1858 Mild RePublican Party
Secretary of Defense Matthew Prince 1859-1862 May 1st, 1859 Fundamentalist Party
Secretary of Professions and Labor Jacoby Jones 1858-1862 May 1st, 1858 Mild RePublican Party
Secretary of Technology Kai Doofenshmirtz 1859-1862 May 1st, 1859 Independent
Secretary of Nature Marlene Humphreys 1858-1862 May 1st, 1858 Environmentalist Party
Secretary of Monuments D.J. Rowling 1847-1858 May 1st, 1847 Environmentalist Party

Confirmation Process

After the appointment of all the secretaries to the Cupboard, President Moise voluntarily submitted each of the nominees for confirmation by the House of Bureaucrats. The results of each are below, along with any added controversy or notes.

Kai Doofenshmirtz

Kai Doofenshmirtz was appointed by President Moise to the newly created position of Secretary of Technology in March of 1859, two months after the creation of the Department of Technology. Doofenshmirtz was submitted by the President to the House of Bureaucrats on March 7th, and immediately questions were raised about the qualifications of Doofenshmirtz for holding public office, mainly because of his past misdemeanors including petty theft and conspiracy against numerous businesses, and some in the House even openly questioned the sanity of Doofenshmirtz, especially Bureaucrat Randy Hammingman. However, Doofenshmirtz did have numerous degrees from Quentinian universities, and had studied in Allia for 7 years, and did have other benefits, including the fact that he was an independent, and agreeable to moderates politically. Eventually Doofenshmirtz was confirmed on March 23rd, 1859, by a vote of 20-18.

Other Confirmations

Position Name Date Submitted Date Confirmed Vote
Secretary of Foreign Affairs Jefferson Diversiton March 7th, 1858 March 7th, 1858 38-0
Secretary of State Chip Rodriguez March 7th, 1858 March 8th, 1858 38-0
Secretary of Infrastructure Cecil Pants III March 7th, 1858 March 18th, 1858 28-10
Secretary of Defense Matthew Prince March 7th, 1859 March 11th, 1859 36-2
Secretary of Professions and Labor Jacoby Jones March 7th, 1858 April 5th, 1858 26-12
Secretary of Nature Marlene Humphreys March 7th, 1858 March 9th, 1858 38-0
Secretary of Monuments D.J. Rowling March 7th, 1858 March 22nd, 1858 21-17

Other Nominees

President Moise also considered a number of other nominees for each Cupboard position, including Alexis Queen for the Professions and Labor position, Rudolf Greenhearst and Maxx Jorgensen for the Nature position, Eddie DuBuokx for the Monuments and State positions, and Cecil Pants II for the Infrastructure position. The last of those considerations was, in fact, Cecil Pants III's father, and President Moise considered both of them well qualified for the position. Eventually Cecil Pants II was killed during a visit to the Iridium Coast, and Pants III received the appointment. Maxx Jorgensen was the front-runner for the Nature position, until he left for New Sketherlands, becoming a citizen there 6 years after. The press used this last consideration as criticism for Moise's judgement, however replacement Marlene Humphreys became one of the most highly respected women in the nation in the following decades.