The United Vehementiaball League

From Venturia
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The United Vehementiaball League, abbreviated as the UVL, was founded in 1947, by a group of businessmen, including Paul Leidigh. It was the second of The United States of Quentin's national sports, after The Quentinian Roofball Organization. The league had a team in every state by 1961, and quickly became almost as popular as the QRO. Vehementiaball does not have leagues in other countries, however there are 4 games a year that the UVL holds as International UVL Games, which are just regular games held internationally, usually close allies of the USQ, such as The Protectorates of Allia, Carkhia, and Ravensonia. Vehementiaball is not an event at the annual Sidus Dei Ludos, because it is not professionally played anywhere other than the USQ, and adding it as an event, says The Sidus Dei Ludos Committee, would mean having to add 3 more events to one of the games, either Summer or Winter, to satisfy the Republic of Megatridimensional Order, with their refusal to participate in the games unless the number of events are a multiple of 3.