Avanti Athavale

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Avanti Athavale
Flag of Avanti Athavale
Born: September 8th, 1983
Current Minority Leader of the House of Bureaucrats
Representing the Desert Area
Party Mild RePublican
Term January 1st, 2016-Present
Preceded By Reiley Summers
Former Desert Area State Legislator
Representing the Deer Path District
Term January 1st, 2012-January 1st, 2014
Preceded By

Drew Reynoff

Succeeded By Logan Wilkins
Former Mayor of Dearnburg
Term January 1st, 2006-January 1st, 2010
Preceded By Patrick Orliamson
Succeeded By Borus Bannivalderhoff
Personal Life
Born Avanti Agannashin Athavale
September 8th, 1983 (age 35)
Dearnburg, Desert Area, USQ
Residence 613 Channaul Lane, Dearnburg, DA
Fiancée Jemma Dee (engaged July 1st, 2019)
Education Bakersfieldville University, (MS in Law, BS in Mixology)

Avanti Athavale (born September 8th, 1983) is a Quentinian politician currently serving as Minority Leader of the House of Bureaucrats for the Mild RePublican Party since 2018, also serving as Bureaucrat of the USQ for the Desert Area since 2016. She was elected by the people after campaigning extensively in 2016, and is currently the 5th-youngest Bureaucrat in the House, as well as the only lesbian currently serving, and the 3rd-youngest House of Bureaucrats Minority Leader in history. Before serving in the house, Athavale served 8 years as Mayor of Dearnburg, as well as 2 years as a Desert Area State Legislator for Deer Path District.

Athavale is one of the more left-leaning Mild RePublicans, and tends to favor a more Globalist foreign policy, however in domestic issues fits into the Mild RePublican agenda and beliefs. Athavale is currently engaged to Jemma Dee, and does not have any children. She currently lives in Dearnburg, outside the city at 613 Channaul Lane.


Athavale was born in Dearnburg, DA, one of 2 children of her parents Athavale Nakagraski and Falsheek Athavale. Her father, Athavale, was an immigrant from the United Villages of Southia, and worked as an attorney, and her mother was born in the Kumar Area. Her one brother is Edyshe Athavale. Her father's law practice was mildly successful, and Avanti grew up as a middle-class citizen. Avanti first attended the Dearnburg Public School District, however transferred after middle school to the Dearnburg Societal Community School. There Avanti earned much higher grades than she had previously, and began to study at her father's law practice, becoming interested most in the argumentation and speaking portion of law.

As a junior at the Societal Community School, Athavale rose to the top of her class, becoming focused on politics more than ever, and joining both the debate club and political club. She also had a mild interest in bartending, a fact that was positively brought up by her campaign in 2016. "I had a huge love for bartending," Athavale stated in an interview with Morning Shine, "and was absolutely captivated each time I saw Sammy pour the drinks at Knee Knee's Bar. I asked questions, like 'What are the cranberries for?' and 'Why so little cranberries?'" Athavale ended up working at Junebug Bar 4 years later, and recognized in the interview that that was where she learned inquisitorial skills and the ability to be precise and focused.

After finishing high school, Athavale was able to attend Bakersfieldville University on a full scholarship, and working as a bartender, paid for her room and board. Athavale was working for a bachelor's in mixology, and soon earned it in 2002. Her father, however, had seen her study in his law office, and encouraged her to go back for a master's degree. Athavale agreed, and used the rest of her scholarship, along with extra payments, to study for a master's degree in politics. She finished her degree in 2005, going back to bartending. This did not last long though, and soon Athavale began to dream of helping Dearnburg be as great as Bakersfieldville. She knew many people in Dearnburg, prominent ones too, from her father's law business, and was soon running for Mayor of Dearnburg. She won, and was inaugurated on January 1st, 2006.


Mayor of Dearnburg

As Mayor, Athavale started by focusing on recreation and environmental improvements. She transferred $25 million dollars to the public education system, $15 million of that to be used for recreation and campus improvements. She also started a campaign called, "A Beautiful Vision of Dearnburg," and helped her pass legislation to improve recycling in the city as well as create Ridethrough Square, a tourist attraction in the city's center including numerous statues and fountains.

The results of her tenure as Mayor were not good, and criticism began heaping on Athavale. The economy of Dearnburg was down, extremely lower than it had been in 2002 when the census had been taken, and poverty levels rose almost as fast as the college enrollment rate was dropping. Despite her efforts to improve recycling and boost tourism income, tourism was only up 1%, though garbage and pollution took a sharp downturn. Attempting to salvage her campaign efforts for 2010, she passed legislation opening homeless shelters across the city and improving electricity coverage, however voters had seen enough, and she was not reelected in 2010.

Desert Area State Legislator

After taking time off from politics in 2011, Athavale worked at Knee Knee's Bar back in Dearnburg. Soon, the Environmentalist Party approached her to run for the Desert Area House of Legislation, even though her term as mayor was largely a failure, citing her charisma and ability to rise in rank, as well as her beliefs. However Athavale had taken some contemplation during 2011, and realized that her beliefs needed to lean more towards the mild side, especially domestically. She declined, and in the next week visited the Desert Area State Mild RePublican Headquarters in Bakersfieldville. She talked with Mild RePublican Party Head Jefferson Papaldii, and soon Athavale was in the running for state legislator. After running on the slogan, "I've Changed for the Better, and so Will the Desert," she was elected to represent the Deer Path District, and inaugurated on January 1st, 2012.

During her tenure as legislator, she quickly rose through the ranks of the Mild RePublican Party, soon becoming Desert Area House Majority Leader. She worked to pass bills to extend government help to people without healthcare, but only those who had been dropped by their coverage, permanently dividing her from the Environmentalist Party and winning favor with the Mild RePublicans. Another large piece of legislation she helped to pass was the Dual Letter-E Act, granting funds to schools and universities, as well as lowering tariffs, especially on Chip Area goods, and slightly raising everyday taxes. Her plan was mainly popular, polls showed, and the Mild RePublican Party supported it. Another piece of minor legislation was the Desert Area Heritage Act of 2013, supporting heritage locations, some of which included historic bars.

It was also during her tenure as legislator that she publicly announced she was lesbian, although friends and even acquaintances had previously known. The announcement garnered her some jokes and mockery, including a segment on the Bill Joseph's Show joking about how she passed so much aesthetic legislation while in Dearnburg, however it was meant to be good-hearted, and Athavale soon posted on MemoChat two laughing emojis while tagging the show, and support was widespread on social media.

House of Bureaucrats

After her term ended in 2014, Athavale elected to not run again, citing her need for time with her family, including her girlfriend Casey Karleii. A year later, however, Athavale announced she would run for the House of Bureaucrats as a Mild RePublican. She campaigned on the slogan, "You Gave Me a Second Chance, I Will Expand on My Success." She ran to represent the DA, and soon won the election, inaugurated on January 1st, 2016. After two years, she didn't have much on her resume, except for co-authoring legislation that overturned the Fourteenth Amendment and directed the Congressional Committee of Amendments (CCA) to reinstate the Fourth Amendment, which provided for a death penalty in cases of severe crimes, by issuing the 24th Amendment. For this effort she was appointed to the CCA in 2017. In 2018, working off of influence and her appointment to that committee, she was appointed the new Minority Leader of the House of Bureaucrats, representing the Mild RePublican Party, after Casey Yates resigned that position.

As Minority Leader, she was appointed to the Bureaucratic Justice Committee, as well as the Bureaucratic Disciplinary Committee. Athavale co-authored legislation to create 3 new federal nuclear power plants in the DA, Chip Area, and Tantallegara, as well as increase spending on all existing federal power plants. In her role as Minority Leader on the Justice Committee, she voted for the Quentinian Intelligence Department to begin an investigation on the Flight SAW-USQ 22 Incident, and eventually voted for war on August 7th, 2019.

Political Stances

Foreign Policy

Athavale's political stance leans the most towards Environmentalism than most Mild RePublicans, however this is mainly on foreign and economic issues. She supports awareness of the situations of most parts of the world, and recognizes that involvement is often the best method of protection, of the nation and of its assets, like the Globalist Party and the Environmentalist Party. She also believes in negotiations, combined with a show of force to relieve tension or solve a dispute, however not to accomplish goals or gain territory.

Economic Policy

Athavale's economic and welfare policies have changed drastically since her days as Mayor of Dearnburg. Originally, she believed in beautification, and preservation of land for later use, and did not support over-development, classic stances of the Environmentalist Party. She also believed in the government's responsibility to actively fix issues such as health, poverty, and education, another Environmentalist belief. Since then, however, she has mostly scrapped the semi-socialist policies on education, poverty, and health, although still actively supports homeless shelters and aid stations in severely poverty-stricken areas. Education-wise she supports government funding for public schools, and in fact prioritizes it, however does not support grants to research facilities or private schools.

Athavale does not support laissez-faire economics, instead supporting a regulation approach, where the government should regulate prices and intervene, especially in small markets, where large companies are dominating. Dealing with energy, Athavale is a large supporter of nuclear energy, and has also actively lobbied for the use of wind power in the Kumar Area to be spread to other states. Nonrenewable energy is a hard point for Athavale, and in the past she has expressed both support and criticism, however at the 2018 Mild RePublican State Convention she criticized Governor of the Grassland Area for rushing the dismantling of fossil fuel plants in the northern part of the state, leading many to believe she supports the classic Mild RePublican stance of a steady decline in fossil fuel use, with a steady increase in green energy and nuclear energy.

Modern Stances

Alcohol and Drug Legalization

Athavale is a strong supporter of drugs and alcohol being kept legal in the Chip Area and Multi-Logan State, and in fact supports the legalization of all substances in both states. As per drugs and alcohol in other states, she supports the spread of alcohol legalization at 22 to all states, and is currently working to pass a bill that legalizes alcohol consumption at 16 for educational purposes and contests. She supports the alcohol tax, and has worked to get it raised in all states except the CA and MLS, and is currently attempting to garner support for a bill that would require an ID in the CA and MLS so that citizens of other states could not get a lowered tax, which has raised some criticism.

On the issue of drugs, she supports the legalization of all substances in the CA and MLS, citing a citizens rights. She breaks from the Mild RePublican Party on the issue of legalization in other states, supporting a vote or referendum from the state itself while the Party does not support drug legalization. For performance enhancing drugs, Athavale has said that she doesn't support them in theory, however thinks it is up to the leagues to decide, and that players should be able to use them legally as long as they are in a legal state while they're consuming the drugs.

Allian Church LGBTQ Rights

Athavale supports LGBTQ rights, and continuously upholds the Quentinian Health Orientation Act passed in 2005 and the Quentinian Orientation Act of 1987. On the issue of the Allian Christian Church accepting LGBTQ ministers, members, and other official workers, she says the church has the rights and freedom to decide who they accept as ministers because the ministers are employees, and under the Freedom of Employment Act passed in 1884 the church can choose who they employ for any reason. However other staff members, who make up less of the staff, she says must be regarded as if they weren't LGBTQ.


After the 2019 VERA World Cup, Athavale was outspoken in saying that the Paladinians were out of line, and that they should not have reacted with such violence. When Flight SAW-USQ 22 crashed near Vidgmar, being on the Bureaucratic Justice Committee, she voted for an investigation by the Quentinian Intelligence Department into the incident. Once the QUID discovered the flight had been attacked by the Paladinian Air Force, she stuck to her foreign policy and encouraged communication with the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization, as well as moving navy and national guard to the Sea of Stratigeo. After things escalated, and negotiations failed, she led the House in calling for war, and voted for it on August 7th, along with much of the rest of the House. After the war, which was won by the USQ, she also led the efforts to close the Paladinian-Quentinian border, and continue to oppose Paladinia, both of which were very popular.

Gun Rights

Athavale has stuck with her party on the issue of gun rights, and supports the strong tax on most firearms in every state. She also agrees with her party on the issue of age, and says that firearm ownership age should be increased to 30 years of age, and that firearm ownership should continue to be restricted to those with mental illnesses and citizens of other nations or who were born in other nations.