Principalities of Bymaria

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The Principalities of Bymaria are organizational subdivisions in Bymaria, which consist of six major cities and their surrounding areas. Not all areas of the country are organized into principalities, with the land not under the control of principalities being referred to as land directly under the rule of the country's monarchy. Other land not located on mainland Bymaria is referred to as a regal territory, those also being under control of the King. Traditionally, principalities had consisted of the cities Daklas, Chtillmar, Vausatania, and Edwardsurb, however after the reorganization of the country under the Unified Bymaria Principles of the 1950's, the cities of Grebate and Callanstan were included as principalities as well. They still stand today as the six principalities of the country.

Traditionally, the principalities were headed by four princes, who owed loyalty to the King or Queen, however had large amounts of control over their territory. One of these princes was the King or Queen themselves, and one had to rule over one of the principalities to be a monarch. During the transitional period after the breakup of the Allian Empire, Ronan Gorger I led Daklas as Prince, and eventually took control of the country by taking over or allying himself with the other principalities. During that time, the Jaronician Valley region did not have a principality, however today they do in the city Callanstan. The western coast of the country also did not receive principality status until the 1950's, as it was considered attached to the Daklas principality. Today, the six principalities are ruled symbolically by princes and duchesses, with numerous viceroys actually collecting taxes and performing other duties of the principality. Due to centralization in the country, and the advent of modern technologies that allow for quick communication, the King exercises most power in the principalities.


The following is an overview of the six current principalities of Bymaria. Included is the date they were established, their royal flags, and the current princes and viceroys of the areas.

Principality Established Leadership Royal Flag
Callanstan Principality 1956 Prince Reid Dave III
Viceroy June Klieman
Chtillmar Principality 1496 Duchess Leanne Curt IX
Viceroy Burt Axekakx
Daklas Principality 1500 Prince Kyle Essendon VIII
Viceroy Gertrude Kanmas
Edwardsurb Principality 1504 Prince Gale Farrow I
Viceroy Manuel Lin
Grebate Principality 1955 Duchess Rose Anarosia III
Viceroy Bill Anarosia