Zwakazian Regulatory Committee

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The Zwakazian Regulatory Committee is the main governing body of the Zwakazi Alliance. The committee is headed by the Allied Minister, and is considered the nation's legislature, its judiciary, and its executive cabinet all at once. The Regulatory Committee consists of three main components, the Regulatory Group on Interior Affairs, the Regulatory Group on Justice, and the parliament. The Group on Interior Affairs has 2/3 of its 25 members appointed by the Allied Minister, with the rest being elected by the parliament, and the Group on Justice has 1/3 of its 35 members appointed by the Allied Minister, with the remaining 2/3 voted on directly by the people. The parliament itself, which is usually referred to as simply the Regulatory Committee, consists of the members of the other two groups and an additional 245 members. 235 of these are voted in by the people, and 10 are appointed by the Allied Minister. The Regulatory Committee as a whole meets at Parlaise Square in Jadidis, while the Interior Affairs Group meets at Trollington Post, also in the capital. Additionally, the Justice Group meets at Parlaise Square.

Originally formed as the Legislature of Zwakazians in 1745, the first legislature was largely under the command of the King of Zwakazia, who had the majority of all power in the country. The original legislature was made up of 60 representatives, and only had the power to approve or reject decrees by the King, with a rejection requiring a majority vote. After King Sauphat's War which ended in 1789, the Zwakazi Governmental Ordinance was approved by King Sauphat II, leading to expanded powers for the legislature, which was renamed the Regulatory Committee under the Zwakazi Alliance in 1797. In 1828, Nachaka Biyambo gained enough power on the Committee to remove the King from power, consolidating the judicial and executive branches into the Regulatory Committee and becoming the first Allied Minister. After the passage of the Allied Executive Amendment that same year, the move became officially recognized by Zwakazian law, and the Committee was officially established.


Composition and Powers

Appointment and Requirements


Group on Interior Affairs

Group on Justice

Control of Allied Minister