United States of Quentin Constitution

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The United States of Quentin Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of Quentin, and the outline of the nation's federal government. Consisting of nine articles, not including its subsequent 24 amendments, the document was authored by Knile Hufflepuff, and ratified by the Territorial Assembly on January 31st, 1834, after the country won independence from the Megatridimensional Order in the Quentinian War for Independence. The Constitution utilizes principles of federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and personal liberties, including civil rights to all citizens. The Quentinian Constitution differs from a traditional republic in the way that it splits executive duties and powers among two people, has different voting procedures, and different legal principles. This system formed by the Constitution is called a Mild Republic, a system emulated by countries such as Carkhia, Xevenia, and Ravensonia.