Megatridimensional Territorial Minister

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The Megatridimensional Territorial Minister was the representative for the Megatridimensional Order government in the Territories of Quentin from 1800 to 1824. Appointed by the Prime Minister, the position had ultimate power in determining the laws of the Territories from 1800 to 1803. In 1803, the Bost Agreement was ratified by the Megatridimensional government, and gave the territories the right to self-government through the Territorial Assembly. After the agreement, the Territorial Minister acted only as an executive, and commanded the Order Guard and local police to enforce Territorial Assembly law. With the passage of numerous tax acts against the territories from 1807 to 1818, the Territorial Minister and the Assembly became more and more estranged and dysfunctional, however, and soon the Territorial Minister was actively working against the Assembly. In one 1812 incident, protesters in Mechanicsburg managed to break into Territorial Minister Grimoire Revere's home, and burn it to the ground, after which the Order Guard arrested anyone suspected to have been even remotely involved with the incident. After the Territories released the Quentinian Declaration of Independence in 1823, the post of Territorial Minister was dissolved, and the Quentinian War for Independence ensued, with the Territories fighting an all out war against the Order. In 1830 the Territories, today the United States of Quentin, emerged victorious, and the post of Territorial Minister was dissolved for good.


Appointment Process


The duties of the Territorial Minister varied. From 1800 to 1803, the Territorial Minister had full control of the Territories, and had the duty of enacting decrees for the general welfare of the territories. The Minister also ensured that Megatridimensional law was being followed, and enforced both decrees and Megatridimensional law with the Order Guard and local police. After 1803 and the Bost Agreement, however, the Territorial Minister took on more of an executive role, approving laws passed by the Territorial Assembly, ensuring Megatridimensional laws were still being followed and not contradicted, and enforcing both the laws of the Assembly and those of the Order. From 1800 to 1824 when the post was vacated, the Minister also had the responsibility of reporting activity in the territories to the Order Prime Minister, including decrees and laws passed and any unusual events, including riots, celebrations, etc. Additionally, the Minister was the representative of the Megatridimensional government in many formal instances, and had the duty of gauging the public's beliefs and attitudes towards issues.

Residence and Salary

From 1800 to 1812, the Territorial Minister lived on 823 First Street in Mechanicsburg, the capital of the Territories at the time. The mansion there was not notably large, only three stories, however for the time it was certainly a larger house. The Minister's Residence as it was known was burnt down in 1812, and soon the Territorial Minister moved to Lindin, closer to the Order and a more pro-Order city. There he lived at 9340 Lindin Road, and lived there for the final 12 years of the post's existence. The post was vacated by the Territorial Minister in 1824, however the Order used the address as an outpost in the city until it was abandoned in 1830 in the face of the advancing Quentinian army. Today, the address is occupied by a manure warehouse.