The Nista Federation of States

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The Nista Federation of States
Flag of The Nista Federation of States Coat of Arms of The Nista Federation of States
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Many Cultures, Many States, One Nation"
Location of The Nista Federation of States
Area 3,873,789km2
Highest point Nride Mountain, 3.2 Miles
Longest river Cannaautran River
Population 690.78 Million
• Growth 0.1%/year
Median age 31.9 years
Demonym Nistans
Nistan Constitution Ratified: May 17th, 1302
Emmanuel Cannaautran Takes Power: August 4th, 2011
Capital Fedatin
Official language Sacred Zwakazian
Type Legislative Emperorship
Legislature Asuultat
Emperor: Emmanuel Cannaautran
Vice Executive Czar: Zabuul Edemonte
Director of Asuultat Operations: Emily DeFaan
Executive General: Brejje Desandons
States: Aiulaat
Coastal Plattiis
Old Iridia
Currency Zwabine (∑) (ZWA)
GDP ∑313.80 Billion ($1.569 Trillion)
• Per capita ∑4,022 ($20,110)
• Growth 1.3%/year

7% Agriculture
72% Industry
21% Services

Unemployment 5.1%
Life expectancy 66.5 years
Clean water access 97%
Literacy 93.5%
Enrollment 71.8%
• Primary 93.2%
• Secondary 77.4%
• Tertiary 44.8%
Measures Zwakazian Measures System
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Left-Hand
ISO code NFS
Internet TLD .nfd
Time Zones VST-4 (Nistan-Central Standard Time)
Calling code +93

The Nista Federation of States, commonly known as the Nista Federation or simply Nista, is a west Zwakazian nation situated between the Iridium Coast and Fyñe. The Nista Federation also borders the Sacred Watch, which is to the northeast of the country. Additionally, the Grim and Calidihav oceans border the nation to the south and north, respectively. Founded in the 1300's, the country is officially a legislative emperorship, comprising six states governed by the Emperor at the national level and a magistrate at the state level. The Federation is one of the largest countries by area in the world, and has the eighth-largest GDP among countries. Considered a low-level developed country, Nista has a major impact on global politics, economics, and industry.