The Zwakazi Alliance

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Zwakazi Alliance
Flag of Zwakazi Alliance Coat of Arms of Zwakazi Alliance
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: From the Ashes of Another Comes a Group of Strength
Anthem: "From Far Shores Do They Come"
Location of Zwakazi Alliance
Area 1,013,562km2
Highest point Mount Zwalli, 0.9 Miles
Longest river Gulli River
Population 149 Million
• Growth 1.9%/year
Median age 26.9 years
Demonym Zwakazians
Dissolution of the Trigadian Empire: September, 1555
The Alliance Governmental Ordinance Ratified: December 29th, 1790
Capital Jadidis
Official language Sacred Zwakazian
Type Republic
Legislature Zwakazian Regulatory Committee
Allied Minister: Susan Chemmanoor
Executive Representative: Ethan Chemmanoor
Regulatory Commissioner: Elhachha Joseph
Regional Governor: Peyton Kliiff
Cities: Jadidis, Trigopolis, and Ryhuupesine
Currency Zwakazian Coin (Ƶ) (ZC)
GDP Ƶ268.63 Billion ($107.452 Billion)
• Per capita $4,423.33 ($1,769.33)
• Growth 4.1%/year

53% Agriculture
18% Industry
29% Services

Unemployment 3.5%
Life expectancy 65.7 years
Clean water access 85%
Literacy 82.5%
Enrollment 42.6%
• Primary 81.8%
• Secondary 35.7%
• Tertiary 10.3%
Measures Metric
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Left-Hand
ISO code ZWA
Internet TLD .ali
Time Zones VST-2 (Oceanic Zwakazian Standard Time)
Calling code +48

The Zwakazi Alliance, also known simply as the Alliance, is a country in the central region of the Zwakazi continent, bordering the Nyoka Ocean to the north, Republic of Trigadia to the southeast, Gallanathia to the south, Xevenia to the southwest, and Fyñe to the west. The nation is a unitary republic, with three cities recognized by the nation's government including Jadidis, the capital and largest city, Trigopolis, and Ryhuupesine. The national government was formed in 1790 with the Alliance Governmental Ordinance, and includes the Allied Minister, currently Susan Chemmanoor, who heads up the government, along with the Zwakazian Regulatory Committee. The nation's government only has an executive branch, with the regulatory committee acting as the legislature, a cabinet, and the judiciary. Regional governors also preside over portions of the nation, and report to the Allied Minister. Currently, the Alliance has a population of 149 million, however also has one of the lowest GDP's for a country of its size in the world.

The Zwakazi Alliance was settled like most other countries on the continent nearly 2,000 years ago, combining emigrants from New Sketherlands with natives who had crossed the Iridium Strait even earlier on in human history. A part of the Trigadian Empire from 1006 to 1555, the country finally gained its sovereignty in 1601, when a Skethish ruling force was driven out, and King Jebal I was crowned. By 1776, the country had grown significantly, and after a brief civil war in 1783, the Zwakazi Governmental Ordinance was approved by King Sauphat II, leading to republican government and the Zwakazi Alliance itself being born. In 1828, the country elected its first Allied Minister, Nachaka Biyambo, who had gained enough power to consolidate the legislature and courts into one branch with the Allied Executive Amendment.

The Zwakazi Alliance continued to grow throughout the 19th century, and soon grew to rival the Republic of Trigadia, which was now falling out of power after dominating the continent before the 1800's. By the 1890's, the Alliance had fought numerous wars against the disorganized peoples of Xevenia, gaining territory to the south and developing one of the greatest armies on the continent at the time. In 1904, Trigadia attempted to invade northern Gallanathia, setting off the Zwakazian Scoop War, a sub-war of the Great Venturian War, with the Zwakazi Alliance which eventually ended in a draw. After that conflict, however, the Zwakazi Alliance went into an economic depression, and the Greater Venturian War rewarded the Zwakazi Alliance with little territory or political gain, leading to its ultimate decline in the 20th century.

Today, the Zwakazi Alliance is one of the most underdeveloped nations on Venturia, and has one of the lowest GDP's for a country of its population. Its government is seen as one of the more democratic and less corrupt, however its healthcare system, police force, and military are nearly nonexistent. A large number of citizens reside in urban areas, while the southern scoop region as it is called has one of the lowest literacy rates and human development rates on the planet, with most living in rural areas. Politically, the nation is a member of the Venturian Union, as well as other organizations like the Sidus Dei Ludos, and is a nuclear weapons state, having acquired them in 2007 after corrupt dealings inside the Alliance government and others in Zwakazi. The Alliance has numerous allies, and continues to play an important role in the developing relations between the United States of Quentin, Xevenia, and Iridium Coast along with the Nista Federation, Fyñe, and Gallanathia, as the Alliance has an important geographical and political position in the situation. The Alliance's official language is Sacred Zwakazian, and the majority of people in the country follow Skethianity as their religion.
