The First New Southian War

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The First New Southian War was a war fought between the United Villages of Southia and New Dawn, along with the Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya in 1856. The war was mainly fought over a series of border disputes, The Northern-Southian Territorial Dispute, as to which country would control each of these areas. The war was infamous for its many massacres of innocents and numerous war crimes by both sides. The hatred between these countries continues today, with the UVS based Hei Hei Hatvists terrorist group targeting New Dawn especially, as well as the three countries having closed borders, numerous tariffs, and a military presence near the border almost year-round.

The main leaders of the Dawnlinian forces were the Dawnlinian President, Lonsas Maxima, and General Christian O'Debow. On the Lindsayan side, the leaders were King of Lindsaya James Apple III, as well as General Fabian Edwards. Finally, the UVS leaders were Southian Emperor Jakile Vitanmas, as well as Supreme Hatvist Councillor Peter Hatvine. The war ended in a New Dawn-Lindsayan victory, with New Dawn and Lindsaya gaining the disputed land, but the UVS inflicting heavy casualties and holding hundreds of civilians as slaves.


See the Northern-Southian Territorial Dispute.

Major Battles

There were many major battles throughout the war, and although they mainly took place in the disputed territory, the decisive ones of the war came from inside a nation's undisputed borders.

Battle of Mount Hatvi

In this battle, which took place near Mount Hatvi, the Dawnlinian forces attempted to break through a line of Southian settlers in the area to storm the undisputed territory of the UVS, hoping for a decisive victory. However, they were held back, as the Southian army had reinforced the settlers with artillery as well as cavalry, and pushed back the army of New Dawn. During this battle, the first war atrocities were committed by Dawnlinians. Reportedly the army was getting pushed back by cavalry and artillery barrages, and came upon a group of unarmed UVS settlers, with the white flag of peace held high in surrender. However, the Dawnlinian army, both confused and scared by the show of force, thought the settlers were Southian infantry, and apparently either didn't see or ignored the white flag. In any case, the squadron fired on the settlers, killing all but 3 that managed to escape.

Battle of the Lindsayan Coast

This battle, which took place nearly 2 months into the start of the war, was the first major one along the Lindsayan claimed territory. The battle, which was one of the longest of the war, was where Southian troops managed to sneak past a Dawnlinian defense squadron into the territory, where they were met by resistance from the Lindsayan forces, which included an ironclad warship, the LSS Baycrawler. The Southian troops fought hard, however when the Baycrawler took out their artillery, the Southians were met by an overwhelming charge from ground troops, leading to their surrender. This was a major battle for the Lindsayans, however historians recognize they might've gotten too comfortable, leading to the next battle, which would ultimately lead to their defeat.

Battle for the Southian Coast