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Flag of Mortification Coat of Arms of Mortification
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Autonomy and Justice"
Anthem: Grave and Resolute
Location of Mortification
Area 1,856,321km2
Highest point Doom's Gorge
Longest river Dannellis River
Population 299.38 Million
• Growth 0.0%/year
Median age 38.7 years
Demonym Mortificans
Treaty of Mortification Ratified September 29th, 1943
Current Constitution Ratified April 1st, 2007
Capital Modantia
Official language English
Type Republic
Legislature National Legislature
Emperor Mark Abhuwabi
Prime Minister Bill Jebob
Executive Legislatorial Representative Eliza Annans
High Federal Justice Ed Trine
States Danaskity
Five Spokes Forest
Currency Trio (ŧ) (TR)
GDP ŧ230.56 Billion ($230.56 Billion)
• Per capita ŧ11,714 ($11,714)
• Growth 3.1%/year

34% Agriculture
34% Industry
32% Services

Unemployment 11.8%
Life expectancy 76.5 years
Clean water access 96%
Literacy 98.9%
Enrollment 80.9%
• Primary 97.2%
• Secondary 81.3%
• Tertiary 64.2%
Measures Metric
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Right-Hand
ISO code MRT
Internet TLD .uni
Time Zones VST+3 (Asperian Gulf Standard Time)
Calling code +11

Mortification is a country located in southern Asper, with the nation of Comdantri Nortellus bordering it to the east, the Megatridimensional Order bordering it to the north, and Allia bordering it to the west. Additionally, a close border is shared with Paladinia through the Four Corners Border, and the Lankanata Ocean is to the south of the nation. It's population of nearly 299 million is of higher than average size, however its GDP is lower than average, at $230 billion. The country is average in size as well, with an area of nearly 1.8 million km2. The nation's capital and largest city is Modantia, located in the western state of Danaskity. The country's government is a federalist republic, with the nation's Emperor acting as head of state with limited powers and the nation's Prime Minister acting as head of government. The National Legislature of Mortification is the legislature of the nation, with the nation's three states maintaining their own, smaller governments.

Mortification was first settled by the Asperian tribal people, including members of the Viscuito, Ughlugh, Terronian, and Jesurite tribes. With the formation of the Allian Empire in 300 B.C., Mortification was absorbed into the empire as one of its protectorates. In 1501, with the fall of the empire, the nation of Comdantri Nortellus was formed by many Asperian tribal groups. These groups claimed parts of Mortification, however the nation was largely unorganized until the 1900's. During the Great Venturian Wars the nation was occupied by forces from both Allia and the Megatridimensional Order, however the Treaty of Fort McCarthy largely ignored the issue of Mortification. In 1943, during the Megatridimensional Civil War, the nation finally became organized under the Treaty of Mortification, signed between Megatridimensional political groups and Mortification guerrilla revolutionary groups. After an economically and politically turbulent 20th century, the nation ratified its current Constitution in 2007, largely bringing political stability for the first time.

Under the Constitution of 2007, the Emperor is head of state, serving with limited executive powers. The Prime Minister heads most of the government, and along with the National Legislature creates policies and drafts legislation. The nation operates as a federalist republic, meaning its three states, Danaskity, Five Spokes Forest, and Matthiasan, operate their own state governments under the authority of the federal government. Since 2007 Mortification has had a stable political situation, however its economic situation is poor, with one of the lowest GDP's for its population size. Poverty is common in the country, and its standard of living and HDI are both low, especially for a nation in Asper. Mortification is one of the more diverse nations on Venturia, though, as its original population of Asperian tribal people is today mixed with many Aspkausians of Telembria and Allia and many immigrants too.

Internationally, the nation is aligned mainly with the Megatridimensional Order and its allies, causing significant tension at the border with the Comdantri Nortellus. Due to its close alignment with the Order, the nation's membership in the Venturian Union has been turbulent, with de facto restrictions being placed on the country as a result of diplomatic agreements between the Order and the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization, among other nations. The nation's military is of average size, however does not compare to major powers such as the United States of Quentin or Allia.