First Lindsayan Independent Wars

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The First Lindsayan Independent Wars were the first series of conflicts between New Dawn and what is today known as Lindsaya. At the time, Lindsaya was divided into independent cities, each ruled by a duke or duchess. After New Dawn had issues with Lindsayan farmers encroaching upon Dawnlinian land, New Dawn declared war on the Lindsayan cities, forcing them to unite and fight against New Dawn, with Queen Lindsay Apple I being crowned. The war lasted from 1669 to 1673, with fighting being scattered and largely focused on Lindsayans defending their land, rather than going on the offensive. In 1673, peace was negotiated with the Treaty of Lillies. Most historians agree the war was won by New Dawn, however the defense of the country by the now-united Lindsayan armies is seen today as a key historical moment, leading to the centralization of the country and its government of democracy today.