List of State Districts in the Maxx Area

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See also: State Districts in the United States of Quentin

State Districts in the Maxx Area are local divisions of the Maxx Area, a state in the United States of Quentin, which have local governments an serve to better organize the state. Laid out by the Maxx Area Commonwealth Constitution, the districts have their own public service branches, their own governments, and serve to organize the Honorable Maxx Commonwealth House with representative districts. There are currently 16 state districts in the Desert Area.



The following table is a list of all 16 districts in the Maxx Area, along with their date founded, etymology, district seat, and other data.

District District Seat Founded Etymology Population Area (km2) Location
Apple District Kristinant 1840 Kristen Apple, notable politician and mayor of Boston 2 million
Bost-Jameson District Boston 1834 Kindy Bost-Jameson, founder and politician 11 million
Butterfield District Frasier 1835 Named for the number of cows farmed in the area 14 million
Cherry District Cherrysburg 1835 Named for district seat 3 million
Daigle District Daigle 1835 Named for district seat 3 million
Dukking District Dukking 1837 Named for district seat 2 million
Elementary District Hampden 1834 Elementary school was used as the capitol for 13 years 6 million
First Galvy District Butterfield Gap 1835 Named for the former district seat of Galvysville 3.1 million
Maximum District Maximum City 1842 Named for district seat 12 million
North Sharps District Sharpstown 1839 Named for district seat, and for the fact that it is the northernmost of the two cities of Sharpstown and Sharpsport 7 million
Pantuso District Cheersville 1849 Bert Pantuso was a businessman who owned numerous taverns in the area 4 million
Primary Maxx District Krentzin 1837 Named because founders believed district would be greatest and primary district in the future 3 million
Second Galvy District Galvysville 1836 Named for district seat, and was made after the First Galvy District 5 million
Shiny District Diamondsville 1839 Founders were in search of diamonds, district so named shiny for quality of diamonds 1.5 million
Trump Bridge District Charlesania 1842 Madman and criminal Ronald Trump lived in the district 400,000
West Sharps District Sharpsport 1837 Named for district seat, and because it is the westernmost city of the Sharpsport and Sharpstown 2 million