Miss Blaze

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Miss Blaze (Haley Krause) is a fictional superhero appearing in the Federation Comics Universe, based in the Republic of Megatridimensional Order. The character is a superhero, and a member of the Apocalypse Legion. She is of highest moral character, a paragon of truth, justice and the Megatridimensional Order way. The daughter of a preacher, Krause is iron willed and devout, though avoids many of the stereotypical judgment and lack of compassion that fictional Christian characters are often plagued with. Her only weak spot is her sister Black Shade who she cares about deeply, and who has taken advantage of Krause countless times. Krause has reddish orange hair and typically wears a utilitarian modified leather outfit that is treated to be fireproof. She also has orange eyes. She is also a master of martial arts, having spent most of her teenage years training with Vhen Schwu, the famous Viscuito warrior.

Miss Blaze


Born in Iudicium in 1995 to Reverend Jonathan Krause and his wife Shuyrie, Miss Blaze grew up in a loving, relatively happy home. She has one sister, Kelly Krause, two years younger. Though healthy and normal as a child, there were occasions where fires were mysteriously started in her presence, though she had no awareness that they were her fault. When she was 12, she realized that she had powers and began to experiment, but was afraid to tell anyone. The first time she activated her firestorm power, she burned down the family house. While her family escaped, her sister was severely burned on the left side of her face, and was permanently scarred. She admitted her powers to her family, who took her to several doctors, none of which could find anything medically wrong with her nor could they determine the source of her powers. Rather than to submit Krause to continuous tests and experiments, the Reverend convinced Krause that her powers were a gift and she should use them to fight evil in the world, and sent her to train with his lifelong friend Vhen Schwu. She trained with him intensely for six years, three of those years with her sister, learning to harness and control her powers, as well as being trained in several forms of martial arts and meditation. When her training was complete, she approached Tycoon and joined the Apocalypse Legion.


Miss Blaze can create, manipulate and weaponize fire from her hands. She can also create a super powerful firestorm, but is so draining it requires nearly a day before she is able to use it again. She can also shoot beams of fire (not to be confused with lasers) from her eyes, which can melt most metals very quickly. If she is seriously injured, she gains the ability to temporarily turn to steam in order to escape. However, reconstituting to solid form is extremely difficult and painful.