Sexual Bill of Rights

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The Sexual Bill of Rights, also known as The SBR, is a document originally written in 1950 by Sharlene Fox in the Sacred Watch, and deals with the rights of LGTBQ people around the world. The SBR has been adopted by numerous countries, most notably the Sacred Watch, Zwakazian Alliance, the Protectorates of Allia, and New Sketherlands, and has also been incorporated or used to a lesser extent in many other countries' legal rights, including some states in the United States of Quentin, Carkhia, and Docneighland.

Historical Context

Rights Before Bill

Creation Process

Contents of Bill

Use by Governments, Organizations, and Nations

United States of Quentin

The United States of Quentin has not adopted the SBR as federal law, and also has not incorporated the bill's full extent of rights into its Constitution. However, after the bill was released, many new rights were given to LGBT people, although many historians have expressed it may not have been because of the bill. However, some of the minor points of the bill have been incorporated into Quentinian federal law, including surrogacy, step-child adoption, protection for surgery and conversion therapy, and donation of blood and tissue. These were all combined into the 2005 Quentinian Health Orientation Act, which stands as federal law. On the state level, the SBR has been adopted in its entirety by two states, the Multi-Logan State and the Chip Area. Parts of the SBR that are not included in the Health Orientation Act are also included in other state's laws, with Long Beach Island and Maxx Area, in addition to the MLS and CA, have recognized there are more legal genders than male and female, and the GA, in addition to the 4 states mentioned, has implemented an anti-bullying law for schools and colleges.