Tantallegara Immigration Dispute

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The Tantallegara Immigration Dispute was a dispute between the federal government of the United States of Quentin and its state of Tantallegara on an immigration bill passed in 1894 by the Tantallegara State House which allowed immigration from Paladinia and the Republic of Megatridimensional Order to their state. The Tantallegara Immigration Act of 1894 went directly against the Federal Immigration Act of 1891, which restricted immigration from both of those nations. The United States of Quentin Department of State immediately recognized the Act as a violation of federal law, and the Bureau of State Federal Law Compliance used its powers to give an official warning to the Governor of Tantallegara, ordering him and the State House to revoke the Act. The Governor ignored the warning however, and the State House issued a Proclamation of Sovereign Borders.

This then led the State Department to bring up a lawsuit in the Supreme Council against Tantallegara, and in Department of State vs. Tantallegara in 1895, the Council ruled that Tantallegara must repeal the law, and imposed strict sanctions on the state. After the lawsuit, however, Tantallegara did not repeal the Act, and the state called up its state militia to enforce the Act. The Department of State then took the unprecedented step of releasing a second warning, threatening to disband the state itself in 3 weeks with the support of the federal military, and President of the USQ Cheryl Gruver moved the Fort McCarthy Defense Force to the state's borders. In two weeks, the State House convened, and finally repealed the Act.

The Immigration Dispute still stands today as the only time in history the State Department has had to threaten to disband a state, or take any action beyond that of a federal lawsuit. It is also seen as a defining moment in the preservation of the federal government's power.