Quentinian Quadrathameet

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Quentinian Quadrathameet is an athletics and intellect based event that has competitions in many countries, most prevalent being The United States of Quentin, the country which it was created in, along with The Protectorates of Allia, Ravensonia, Comdantri Nortellus, and many others. The event is most popular for being included in the Summer Sidus Dei Ludos, the international sporting event, since it was modernized in 1916. The event has most been won by the USQ, however it has not been uncommon to see other countries win the diamond medal.

It was originally first thought to be played by many teenagers from the USQ, trying to settle bets on who was the superior person at life. Around 1876, the first matches were played at local events and fairs for money or a prize, but they often varied, or just included one event. In 1915, Cornelius Riplop set about trying to set the rules in stone, mainly for profit, and in 1916 he and representatives from recreation departments in ever state finalized and approved the rules. He did not gain anything financially, and later died in jail, convicted of multiple murders and the selling and transportation of illegal substances and goods. The rules stuck, however, and in 1919 the event was added to the Sidus Dei Ludos.

How to Play

Quentinian Quadrathameet is pretty basic in conception. The basic overview is that you must combine intelligence and memory with athletic ability and the strength of the body to be successful. Before the event, a panel of people will select the topics for the event. At the Sidus Dei Ludos, the panel are non-biased representatives from the Venturian Union Ministry of Recretion of The Venturian Union, while at smaller, local events the hosts of the events are usually charged with the task. The topics cannot be released or told, as to give any team the advantage of knowing the topic beforehand, and either researching beforehand or being more prepared.

Once the event day comes, the first topic of the Quadrathameet will begin with the giving of the same book about the topic to each of the contestants. They will have around 40 minutes to read the book, and memorize everything about it. Then, they will be given a task that relates to the book they just read. For example, if the book was about fishing, they might be tasked to fish, or if it was on food they might be tasked to cook a perfect Galvyande Plat. After the first task, the judges will rate each creation. Then the contestants will do the same thing, read a book and complete a task, 3 more times. At the end of all the tasks, the ranks will be added, and the contestant with the overall highest rank is given 1st place.

A regional Quadrathameet including cooking

Past Events

In the past, there have been many choices for topics of Quentinian Quadrathameet. One of the strangest by far was in 1922 at a state competition in the USQ, where one of the tasks assigned was to go into the ocean, and wrestle a squid to death, then bring the squid onto shore and cut out its eyes. As if it weren't strange enough, the contestants in the next task had to cook a dish incorporating the same eyes they had just cut out to serve to the judges.

By far the longest of any task in the QQ, in the 1954 Sidus Dei Ludos, the panel decided to mix things up by giving the contestants the task to build the most aesthetically pleasing house possible. They quickly realized their mistake, as it took almost 7 weeks to build the homes with only one person working on each. Needless to say the homes were not very large or well put together, despite how well the contestants had read the homemaking book, and that year a rule was added to the event that made it mandatory for a trial to be done of the tasks beforehand, to ensure they wouldn't be too long, short, or impossible to accomplish.