Venturian Union

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Venturian Union
[[image: |x78px|Flag of Venturian Union]] [[image: |x78px|Coat of Arms of Venturian Union]]
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Peace, Prosperity, and Justice Together"
Headquarters: Venturian Union Headquarters
Altempel, Sacred Watch
Type Intergovernmental Organization
Purpose Establish Peace, Economic Prosperity, and International Justice
Members Members: (32)
Protectorates of Allia
Azurian Isles
Coastal Islands of Atillaraon
Comdantri Nortellus
Sovereignty of Drumes
Fourth Laborer Socialist Republic
Iridium Coast
Isle of Southia
Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya
New Dawn
New Sketherlands
Nista Federation of States
Northern Patrons of Ice
Republic of Trigadia
Republic of Megatridimensional Order
Sacred Watch
United States of Quentin
United Villages of Southia
Zwakazi Alliance

Observer Nations: (4)
Archipelago of Redniess
Federated Half of Quoaria

Charter Signed: January 1st, 1944
First Session Held: October 29th, 1946
Last Nation Joined: January 1st, 2020
(Coastal Islands of Atillaraon)
Official languages Allian
Sacred Zwakazian
Governing Bodies General Assembly
Bureau of Security
Legislative Congress
Bureau of Economics
Director Adam Eve
Director of Security Steve Shamji
Director of the Legislature Sophie Quentin
Supervisor of Economics Rhand Drenton

The Venturian Union (abbreviated VU) is an intergovernmental world-peacekeeping organization that works to develop peace, improve health and prevent war between nations. Founded after the Great Venturian War by numerous countries, including the United States of Quentin and Docneighland, the organization grew exponentially after the Greater Venturian War, growing to include 32 member nations today, along with 4 observer states. The Union works at its aims by organizing numerous events between nations, including the Sidus Dei Ludos and other recreational events, as well as holding numerous conferences and debates on policies the VU may institute on health, politics, economics, and other topics. The organization's headquarters are in Altempel, Sacred Watch, along with offices in the USQ and Protectorates of Allia. All of its headquarters are considered international territory.

The Venturian Union was first established after the Greater Venturian War by the main allies of the Southern Coastal Alliance including the Protectorates of Allia, United States of Quentin, and Docneighland, hoping to reestablish economic ties with former Righteousness Pact nations, as well as prevent future wars and illegal expansion. On July 16th, 1943, the governments of 12 nations met in Altempel, Sacred Watch to draft the Venturian Union Charter, which created the organization and established its goals and means of operation. The charter was signed on January 1st, 1944 by all 12 of these nations, and took effect on the date of the first General Assembly, after all nations had had the treaty ratified on October 29th, 1946. These 12 nations grew slowly at first, with four nations joining in the 1950's, (Ravensonia, Comdantri Nortellus, Fourth Laborer Socialist Republic and Kalsomonia) however in the 1960's almost all nations on Venturia were a part of the VU.

The Venturian Union has four main governing bodies that makes up its administrative system, the General Assembly, the Legislative Congress, the Bureau of Security, and the Bureau of Economics. Within these governing bodies, there are numerous sub-bodies, called VU ministries, which operate on specific topics.

Overall the Venturian Union has been regarded as a success, bringing one of the most peaceful, economically prosperous, and developed times on the planet, as well as supporting scientific and cultural preservation and development. Some have said, however, that the Union is biased towards some members, and many have also questioned its efficiency at times, in situations such as the Fourth Laborer Civil War and Patronic War Crimes of 2004.



The Venturian Union first came out of the Greater Venturian War, one of the deadliest conflicts in history. Nuclear proliferation began in the Greater Venturian War, and other mass weapons made war more destructive than ever before. As a result, numerous nations during the war established anti-war organizations that aimed to prevent future wars. At the end of the war, the Southern Coastal Alliance came out on top of the Righteousness Pact, and in the Treaty of Fort McCarthy that followed the war, a section of the treaty provided for a conference in the next 15 years that would stabilize the world in economics, politics, and culture.