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=== Foreign Involvement ===
=== Foreign Involvement ===
May 27, 2019 Statement from [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]] on the VERA Semifinals, May 26, 2019:
"Today Venturia witnessed an unparalleled display of unprofessionalism and gross misconduct by [[Lewis Mayenvum]], the head referee in the VERA match between Paladinia and the Allian national teams.  Mayenvum, charged with facilitating an exciting match in a series meant to promote unity and Venturian goodwill, instead lost control of the players, then the game. Faced with anger over yet another terrible call in a game of unbelievable bad calls - all of which went against [[Paladinia]] - Mayenvum blatantly ignored his charge to de-escalate, and instead ejected multiple Paladinian players.  Several of the ejected players appeared to be doing nothing more than appealing to reason and, finding none, became understandably distraught.  Mayenvum, in yet another staggeringly poor judgement call in an afternoon full of them, called in security and shut down the match when there was no physical threat and no need to do so.
The Paladinian team is not the first team in sports to be extremely upset by a referee's treatment in a game and to react in an unsportsmanlike fashion.  But I, as the rest of the world, saw the Paladinians pushed too far some of the worst calls in sports history, and then were immediately disqualified when they argued the call. This happens in sports all the time.  Mayenvum, a retired professional sportsman himself and to this point a decent referee, knows this.  But these calls were so blatantly missed, Mayenvum uncharacteristically lost control of the game, disqualified multiple players, forced a forfeit, and turned the match over to police action in record time and without any evidence of a threat.  There are, unfortunately, only two possible reasons for this strange and outrageous turn of events.  Mr. Mayenvum suffered a complete psychotic and/or mental breakdown or this was a poorly executed ruse to eliminate the Paladinian team.  In either event, in order to maintain the integrity of the games and the goodwill between nations, action needs to be taken to repair the damage.  It is our hope that VERA or the [[United States of Quentin]], Mayenvum's home nation and biggest tournament benefactor of the Paladinian's loss, call for an immediate reversal and a replay of the game. 
Anything less, and the [[Quentinians]] will be guilty of escalation: from ambassador of goodwill sports to enabler of international insult."
[[Rhand Drenton]], The Order Ambassador
== Course of War ==
== Course of War ==

Revision as of 20:18, 4 August 2019

This article is about an ongoing and developing war between Paladinia and ATADO. Check back later for more updates.

The Asperian Roofball Conflict is an ongoing conflict between Paladinia and the members of the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization. After a match between the Paladinian VERA National Team and the Allian VERA National Team resulted in multiple ejections against the Paladinians, as well as security becoming involved, forcibly removing players who were becoming violent towards officials, the Paladinian government, unbeknownst to the United States of Quentin, decided to attack a plane with the officials, who were Quentinian, and Quentinian guards. After several weeks, the Quentinian Intelligence Department found evidence revealing that the Paladinian Air Force attacked the plane.

After failed negotiations and the involvement of 4 other nations of the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization, the ATADO-backed Quentinian military declared war. After fighting lasting for nearly 6 months, in November a ceasefire was agreed upon, and after negotiations the Treaty of Bedlam was signed, providing peace in exchange for raised tariffs on Bawhacka transported from Kalsomonia to Paladinia via the USQ.


VERA Semi-Final Incident

The first of two incidents that sparked the war occurred on May 26th, 2019. The 2019 VERA World Championship was in the semifinal stage, with the Allian VERA National Team playing against the Paladinian VERA National Team. In the 4th quarter of the game, an Allian player contacted a Paladinian player near the back area. The Paladinian team believed this to be a foul, however the referee, Lewis Mayenvum, did not call it as a foul. One Paladinian player, Ramjek Branoff was angered by the call, and after making multiple rude gestures as well as shouting numerous rude words at the referee, he was kicked out of the game.

Soon the Paladinians took the lead in the game, however the Allians came back, and on one play, the Allians threw the ball into one of the gargales, with the Paladinians calling for a foul. However the officials did not call it a foul, instead giving the ball to the Paladinians. This call pushed the team over the top, with Logan Wagner yelling and making rude gestures, along with numerous players coming up to the referee and arguing their case. After these offenses, the referee kicked out 3 of the Paladinians, Wagner, Brooks Cincy, and Jordan Ballachjekx, however they refused to leave the arena. Security was called in, a team including 21 Quentinians and 11 of other nationality, forcibly removing the three players. After that, the remaining Paladinians were still making rude gestures and comments, and Mayenvum forced a forfeit, giving the game to the Allian team.

After the incident, numerous Allian and Quentinian media sources came out, calling the behavior by the Paladinian team, "disrespectful," and "disgraceful." There was silence from most Paladinian sources, although some were quick to denounce the ref for his "rash call," including Co-Dictator Logan Warren VI on IDKTV.

Flight SAW-USQ 22 Incident

Soon after, the controversy died down in the media, and the Quentinian VERA National Team ended up winning the 2019 VERA Roofball World Championship. On June 6th, the Quentinian referee who had served in the game, Lewis Mayenvum, and other officials who helped organize and work the championship, boarded Flight SAW-USQ 22 from the Sacred Watch to the United States of Quentin. As the plane entered into airspace just off the coast of Vidgmar, the pilot sent out a distress call to Vidgmarian towers, which was vague and did not tell exactly what was happening. The flight was soon found, crashed off the coast, with all crew and passengers declared dead.

Reaction and QUID Investigation


Quentinian Troop Movement


Foreign Involvement

Course of War

Attack on Building States and Repulsion

Battle of Traitor's Bay

Stalemate and Conflict on Zwakazi Continent

Calls for Negotiations, Treaty of Bedlam
