The Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya

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Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya
Flag of Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya Coat of Arms of Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Atiof Eac, Nde God"
(Nation of Peace, Under God)
Location of Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya
Area 323,167km2
Highest point Mount de Christ
2.1 Miles
Longest river Portecomme River
Population 122.11 million
• Growth 0.4%/year
Median age 40.3 years
Demonym Lindsayans
Dissolution of the Empire of the New Dawn: February 23rd, 1598
Queen Lindsay Apple I Crowned: June 2nd, 1669
People's Constitution Ratified: August 30th, 1903
Capital Applesburg
Official language English
Type Unitary
Constitutional Monarchy
Legislature Parliament of Lindsaya
Monarch: Queen Annette Apple I
Prime Minister: John Staples
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Eliza Betteon
Head Judiciary: Christian Adjenock
Cities: Applesburg
Port Messiah
Currency Northern Dollar ($) (NDO)
GDP $450.69 billion
• Per capita $63,247
• Growth 1.7%/year

19% Agriculture
52% Industry
29% Services

Unemployment 5.2%
Life expectancy 81.2 years
Clean water access 99%
Literacy 99.9%
Enrollment 90.36%
• Primary 99.9%
• Secondary 87.1%
• Tertiary 84.1%
Measures Metric
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Right-Hand
ISO code DRL
Internet TLD .lin
Time Zones VST+1 (Asperian Founders Standard Time)
Calling code +20

The Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya, known commonly as Lindsaya, is a country located in northeast Asper, bordering New Dawn to the west, the United Villages of Southia to the south, Ravensonia to the north, and the Sea of Stratigeo to the east. The country is in the bottom half of populations compared to the rest of the world, currently the 25th-largest population at 122.11 million people. Its current GDP is $437.87 billion, and it is one of the smallest countries in the world at 323,167km2. Considered a part of the Northern States Group demographically, economically, and geographically, the nation is a Constitutional Monarchy, headed by the Queen, currently Annette Apple I. The nation's legislature is the Parliament of Lindsaya, which is bicameral and composed of the Lindsayan Chamber of Lords and the Lindsayan Chamber of Nobility.

The Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya has previously been organized in multiple different ways, first as a part of the Empire of the New Dawn. This empire, which encompassed New Dawn, the United Villages of Southia, and Ravensonia, lasted from around 1200 to 1598, with the cities in the empire becoming independent as of 1598. Lindsaya was one of the last portions of the empire to break away, however by the beginning of the 17th century the country was made up of numerous scattered cities and townships. Quickly growing, these cities soon clashed with the recently reformed New Dawn in the First Lindsayan Independent Wars, which forced the Lindsayan cities to unite under the rule of Queen Lindsay Apple I, creating what was then known as the Kingdom of Lindsaya. United, Lindsaya quickly grew and expanded economically during the 18th and 19th centuries. Numerous conflicts were fought during this time, as Lindsaya clashed with New Dawn, the Protectorates of Allia, Telembria, and Southia, however these conflicts did not halt the nation's growth. At the start of the 1800's, the nation began to industrialize, and in 1903 the country became a constitutional monarchy with the ratification of the Accords for the Delineation of Representation. Because of this peaceful revolution, the country remained neutral in the Great Venturian War, however fought on the side of the Southern Coastal Alliance in the Greater Venturian War. The country began to modernize throughout the 20th century, and today is one of the most highly developed nations in the world.

Today, the Democratic-Republic of Lindsaya has one of the highest standards of living and human development ratings in the world, being rated the best country in which to live in 2020. This is mainly due to its healthcare, education, and sanitation systems, which are some of the best in the world. Its crime, poverty, and pollution rates are also some of the lowest in the world. The country is mainly neutral in its international relations, though its alliance with New Dawn through the Alliance of New Dawn and Lindsaya is the strongest in the world today. Despite this, however, the nation is rated a flawed democracy by the Venturian Union, and its low GDP means the country has a smaller than average military.