The Southern Maxx-Von Zig Deal

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The Southern Maxx-Von Zig Deal was a deal between The United States of Quentin and Punctinaturalland, ceding land in what is today western USQ to the USQ, in exchange for $1.6 million and a few trade benefits. The deal came after what is known as the Early Punctin War between the two countries, which Punctinaturalland won handily. The deal, however, is largely viewed as a victory for the USQ, which gained land for resources and received an expanded population, all for a very small price tag. The land ceded covers close to 3,000,000 square kilometers, about 1/3 of the entire USQ.

Main negotiators of the deal were GTNEC of the USQ Max Wagner, to whom the credit for the deal is most often given, Gregokxst Bejokxs, the leader, or Jekzonkst, of the country, as well as Governor of the Maxx Area at the time Nitall Bedevakx. The deal was negotiated in the USQ, in the state for which part of the deal is named, The Maxx Area (The rest of the deal's name comes from the incoming Jekzonkst, named Von Zig, and the USQ was gaining land to the south), and was signed in early 1838.


In 1834, the new nation of The United States of Quentin signed The Constitution of the United States of Quentin, creating their new country. The population was already large and growing, and along with pressures from industry and the want for more resources, in 1835 the USQ government declared war on Punctinaturalland, in the Early Punctin War, hoping for these and other benefits. However, their small, untrained army along with a very unenthusiastic public meant the USQ was staunchly defeated by PNL, and a conference was quickly organized in Poleton, PNL to come to an agreement on surrender terms.

As per the PNL governmental structure, in negotiating deals and other agreements the Jekzonkst, or supreme ruler, of the nation has complete and total power, and may set the terms however they wish. The conference was the beginning of a long series of trade and negotiation bungles for the PNL government, and even though they won the war, with thousands of their citizens dead, PNL got barely anything out of The Treaty of Commitment, except for a few small promises the USQ made, that were not well enforced. After the treaty was signed, perhaps seeing a weakness in the negotiating ability of the Jekzonkst, GTNEC of the USQ Max Wagner invited him to a conference in Boston, The Maxx Area. There, the deal was signed, and it went into effect that year, 1838.

Terms of the Deal

The deal did not cover much, and was quite simple, with the USQ gaining nearly 3 million square kilometers of land, in return for $1.6 million, to be paid over the course of 4 months to Punctinaturalland. The land ceded to the USQ included parts of The Desert Area as well as all of present day Tantallegara and The Multi-Logan State.

Opinions and Criticism

The deal has been criticized by numerous parties, including historians as well as citizens of Punctinaturalland at the time. The reason is that the USQ was able to gain a ton of land, nearly 3 million square miles, for a small payment of $1.6 million. The land became a huge economic benefit to the USQ, as well as bringing in a large population and home to valuable resources. The popular explanation for the unevenness of the deal is that Jekzonkst of PNL at the time, Gregokxst Bejokxs, was nearing the end of his life and might not have been completely up to the tasks that the Jekzonkstship brought forward. Another explanation, mainly used by Quentinians, is that Max Wagner negotiated well and was extremely skilled, and was able to persuade Bejokxs to sign.