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M.O.D.S. is a humorous action film that was released in theaters in 2011. The film is the first in The M.O.D.S. Movie Franchise, and was made by Trogen Motion Picture Studios. Directed by Ignatius Turner and starring Elizabeth Wilson, Donnell Chexksjek, Milo Tylers, Shaun Quackers, and Stephen Uriah, the film is #2 in all time box office gross in The United States of Quentin, as well as being extremely popular in Paladinia and Ravensonia. It is set in 2011, and is based around a group of old friends who work together in BizTown, USQ. They suddenly gain powers while out on a trip in the NAME THIS GULF BETWEEN RAVENSONIA AND THE USQ. The friends then join together to stop a foe that is wreaking havoc in the waters near the USQ, Ravensonia, and Paladinia, The Determined Evil Anti-Welfare Domain (DEAD), led by Overlord Vloychel (Donnell Chexksjek), who is attempting to dominate the greater gulf area.


The film begins rather abruptly with a casino, where people are drinking, laughing, and playing numerous casino games, including Squabble, Quentinian Poker, and Trime Kicker, as well as drinking Verrendi, Beer, and Goutêt, along with the familiar Quentinian Drink Mixing. We get a view of the outside of the establishment, which says The Goljeau Casino, in BizTown, The United States of Quentin. Once back inside, we focus in on a specific table of two, four person teams playing Trime Kicker at a table. We hear the first words spoken by Olivia Laurels (Elizabeth Wilson), saying that she wants a recall on a face card. After a couple of nods at her teammates, Max Grappler, (Stephen Uriah), David Sonnitraune (Shaun Quackers), and Steve Bizshtup (Milo Tylers), she puts down a card, the ace of swords, which removes 3 of the 7 cards the other team, has in play, and starts to taunt and joke around with them, including saying, "If you were a cow, which you certainly smell like, you'd have a hard time finding your feeding trough." This gets laughs from her team, but the others are enraged. They make a move to hem the other team in, with a seemingly unbeatable move, until Steve says, "Yeah, that's a pretty funny move. You guys want to see something?" He then puts down a King of Order to win the game, saying, "That's the trough." Both sides stand up, with the losers running towards the exit and the winners chasing them, Steve leading the bunch. Soon we zoom out and hear a crunch and shouts from the hallway, indicating that the winners have collected their prize.

The winners come out, later in the night, holding drinks and joking around. The group gets in a pickup truck, (A Tymo Tumbler) arriving at a hotel, and departing into different rooms. After a romantic scene between Olivia and David, revealing them to be engaged, we move to the daytime, when the friends come out of the hotel. They have conversations and joke around again about their plans that day, which are to go on a gulf area cruise. They depart, and soon come to the gulf, getting on the ship. While on board, Olivia and Steve go off to share a drink while David and Max go over to play a game of The Quentinian Quadrathameet. Suddenly, a fight breaks out between David and a man (Ryan Sandalls). While they're fighting, the boat suddenly rocks, and comes to a stop. A group of people enter the boat, dressed for combat and armed with weapons. They demand for all the cruisers to put their hands up, and start to round up any valuables they have.

The friends are split up, however keep eye contact, and nod and mouth a plan to each other. Suddenly, they leap into action, David taking a broken bottle and smashing it over a man's head, along with the others attacking. They are all captured, however, with the lead commander, Major Schemello (Mark Davidson), confronting them, telling them that DEAD will soon rule the gulf, and tossing them overboard. The group stays optimistic, saying the boat will just get them back when DEAD leaves, however their spirits dampen when the ship suddenly explodes, and DEAD sails away. Max struggles in the water, and starts to drown. He goes down in the water, with the three others attempting to save him, when a blinding light appears and they all fall unconscious.

When the screen becomes visible again, we see that we are in the hotel room of David and Olivia, on top of the bed, with all four laying there. Suddenly, Olivia wakes up, and is astonished, as are the others when they wake. They question what happens, then Olivia says she needs to take a bath. Instantly after saying it, Olivia disappears, and she can be heard cursing from the bathroom. The others run in to see her laying in the bathtub, and, after question what was going on, David tries to touch Olivia, and a shock of electricity pulses through her. Steve says, "Dang, she is not having a good day," as the others try to get her up. David then presents his theory to what is happening, which is they're superpowered. Steve says, "Like Federation Comics, The Apocalypse Legion, that %*@*!?" Max is the next to exhibit weird behavior, as he suddenly says, "The square root of 7 million is 2,645.75?... What the hell?" The others ask how he knew that, and he responds by continuing to spout knowledge. Steve