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Stevensburg is the capital city of the country of Xevenia. Located in the state of Capistallan, the city has a current population of 4.3 million, and acts as the home to the government. Stevensburg was founded in 1711 under the name of Tellaaskullum, and started to grow exponentially as well as changed its name around 1918. The largest building in the city is The Transrapath Tower, measured at around 211 meters.

Downtown Stevensburg



The city was founded in 1711, in an area of land that would one day become Xevenia. The settlers were people that had lived in the area for a while, and came together to protect from attacks by Rapathic pirates as well as local raiders. The small village, called Tellaaskullum, was able to protect itself against Rapathic attacks, and soon thrived with a navy to defend coastal resources, such as fish and crabs. The village also got into marine trading with other villages in the area, and brought in profits that increased the wealth of the country.

In the 1800's, Tellaaskullum became a part of an alliance between different villages and appointed a chieftain, the first one being Daiikumat Redni'ik. Redni'ik forged a strong friendship between the villages in the alliance, and made several trade deals that made Tellaaskullum the largest and most prominent of the villages in the pact. In the late part of the century, the alliance of villages made a deal with Rapathion to help the Rapathic pirates capture trading vessels from the Asper continent, including ones from The United States of Quentin, The Protectorates of Allia, and The United Villages of Southia. Being a coastal city, Tellaaskullum benefited greatly from this deal, until The Great Venturian War broke out, and the Asperian vessels stopped coming.


Around 1921, settlers from the USQ, belonging to a group called The Quentinian Expeditionary Corps, landed in Xevenia, and settled two cities east of Tellaaskullum, called Jeffersontown and Long Beach. The whole nation was angered by this settlement, and in 1923 a man named Peter Orotro gained endorsement by several village chieftains, including Tellaaskullum's, and gathered an army to defeat the Quentinian settlements. However the Quentinian settlers there were well equipped, and repelled the forces, which continued to try and break through. Tellaaskullum's chieftain sent invitations for a meeting between the chieftains of the alliance to the USQ forces, and they secretly negotiated The Xevenian-Quentinian Sovereignty Agreement in 1924, which made the Quentinians leave in exchange for an end to pirate attacks and the deposing of Orotro.

After the agreement, the country bound together stronger than ever before, and the newly renamed Stevensburg was recognized as the capital for the new nation. After that, the population grew exponentially, as well as trading and shipping to and from the city. The government moved in, and Stevensburg was a crucial part of the modernization of the country. In 1942, when the nation decided to create a constitution, the convention was held in Stevensburg, with representatives hashing out the details and eventually ratifying The Constitution of Xevenia. In the late 50's through 80's, the country became home to many new embassies, as contact with other countries increased.

Contemporary History

In recent years, the city has continued to grow, however not as much as in the past, with much of the country's growth being centered in cities like Jeffersontown and Long Beach. As well as still being the center of the government, Stevensburg is as much of a trading hub as it was in the past, and brings in millions of dollars in trade revenue per year. As the Zwakazi continent has entered the world view in recent years, so has Xevenia, and Stevensburg has been a big part in trying to solve some of the problems on the horizon.

Geography and Climate

The city of Stevensburg has an extremely tropical climate, with warm temperatures most of the year, as well as the most precipitation over the course of the year for any capital city in the world. This warm and tropical climate results in lots of unique flora and fauna, much of which is incorporated into the overall look of the city. This provides a large amount of tourism, with the trees blooming all year long, leading to beautiful parks and squares. The city directly borders The Rapathic Gulf, and is mainly flat, although as you approach the outskirts of the city, it becomes less flat and hillier.



Stevensburg has a few professional sports teams with a home in the city, with two main sports, Roofball and Xevalhemia. Xevenia has two main leagues for these sports, called The Xevenian Roofball League and The Xevalhemia League of Xevenia. In the XRL, Stevensburg is home to The Stevensburg Merchants, who are one of the more successful teams in the league, and in the XLX, Stevensburg is home to The Stevensburg Hyperwood. College athletics in the city are also prominent, with numerous competitions and events being held, as well as professional swimming events, with the Zwakazian Marine Sports Exhibition being held in Stevensburg annually.


The city of Stevensburg is not extremely well known for entertainment, but does boast an excellent selection of world class restaurants. These include The Tellaa Bistro and Berraamas Seafood. The city also is a great place for marine themed tourism, including boat tours of the edges of the city, fishing expeditions and trips, as well as The Imperial Theater in the center of the city. Twothex Cinematic Productions is headquartered in the city as well, the largest movie producer in the nation.



Stevensburg has a large mix of different religions, none being too dominant over the others. Currently Christianity accounts for 38% of the religious population, followed by Skethianity at 31%, Reformed Hatvism at 20%, Hatvism at 6%, and Trinitism at 4%. The city is not as religious as others in the nation, however still is home to a large population of religious citizens, as well as being home to numerous places of worship. One of the most famous is Stevensburg Aquatmas Church, located near the coast of the city.

Health and Education